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Build and run Docker containers with Chef, Dockerfile and other tools


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Docker builder

Tool to build and install Docker containers with Chef, Dockerfile and other provisioning tools.


  • Config files are in Ruby.
  • Manage complexity of running Docker containers for your environment in one place.
  • Manage multiple containers

Other tools:

  • docker-composer - with configs in yml

Docker-builder is similar to docker-compose but has some more functionality to customize installation of servers on the host.


Process of installing server in Docker container consists of the following stages:

Process of building and running container on the host machine:

  • Build Docker image

    • it will create a Docker image on the host machine
    • build using Dockerfile or Chef provisioning
  • Run Docker container

    • provision host machine - run scripts locally on the host machine. It can be shell script of Chef recipe
    • run container - docker run
    • provision container - run script inside the container. It can be shell script of Chef recipe
  • Install systemd service on the host machine to run Docker container automatically (optional)

  • Start/Stop container

  • Destroy container

  • Destroy image

Concepts of running Docker containers:

  • you can rerun containers without losing data. Data is stored on the host machine and shared with container.

Build Docker image:

  • from Dockerfile
  • Chef provisioning (machine_image)

Provision during installation container on the host machine by:

  • running shell script inside container
  • running Chef script inside container with Chef provisioning


  • Install gem:
gem install docker-builder


We will build and run a simple Docker container with Nginx server.

  • install gem
gem install docker-builder
  • generate directory structure using generator
docker-builder generate --name=nginx --type=chef

it will create a folder nginx with necessary directory structure inside.

  • in the folder edit config file config.rb with common settings
    'prefix' => "example-",
    'image_prefix' => 'example-',
    'dir_data' => '/disk3/data/my-examples/',


        # some server options here




  • edit custom settings for the server in file servers/nginx/config.rb

add 'build', {
    "image_name" => "nginx",
    'build_type' => 'chef',
    "base_image" => {        "name" => "nginx",        "repository" => "nginx",        "tag" => "1.10"    },


add 'install', {
    "host" => {      'script_type' => 'chef_recipe',       'script' => 'install_host',    },
    "node" => {       'script_type' => 'chef_recipe',       'script' => 'install',    }

add 'docker', {
    "command"=> "nginx -g 'daemon off;'",
    'ports' => [
    'volumes' => [
        ['html', '/usr/share/nginx/html'],
        ['log/nginx', '/var/log/nginx/'],
    'links' => [    ]

add 'attributes', {
  'nginx' =>{
      "sitename" =>"mysite.local"


  • build Docker image
# from the folder with project

docker-builder build
  • run container
docker-builder up
  • check container is running
docker ps

# see container named example-nginx
  • access container
docker exec -ti example-nginx /bin/bash
  • access container from browser

Install Docker container. Overview


  • Create container - docker create

  • setup network and other settings for container

  • run provision to setup host machine. Script is running on the host machine.

    'setup' => [
        {type: 'shell', ..}, 
  • run provision to setup created (not running) container. Run script to copy/update files in container.
   'setup'=> [
        {type: 'ruby', <<script_options>>}, 
  • run container with docker run. Specify env variables, hostname and other options
  • first provision of container - bootstrap script. Run script from inside running container only once. Script should be located inside container.
   'bootstrap'=> [
        {type: 'chef', ..},
  • provision to initialize container. Run script every time after container starts. Script should be located inside container.
    'init'=> [
        {type: 'chef'},
  • Use lock file to make sure the container does not start until the provision is finished.

Basic usage

Provision with shell script

  • put scripts in /path/to/project/ <<server_name>> / scripts /

Provisioning with Chef

Process of building and running container on the host machine:

  • Build Docker image

    • it will create a Docker image on the host machine
  • Run Docker container

    • provision host machine - run scripts locally on the host machine (recipe install_host.rb)
    • run container (docker run)
    • provision container - run script in the container (recipe install.rb)
  • Install systemd service to run Docker container (optional)

  • Start/Stop container

  • Destroy container

  • Destroy image

Install server with Chef provisioning

  • generate directory structure using generator
docker-builder generate --name=nginx --type=chef

it will create a folder nginx

  • in the folder edit config file config.rb with common settings

  • edit custom settings for the server in file servers/nginx/config.rb
  • build Docker image
# from the folder with project

docker-builder build
  • run container
docker-builder up
  • check container is running
docker ps
  • access container from browser


  • Build docker image
cd /path/to/servers

docker-builder build -s server_name
  • run docker container
cd /path/to/servers

docker-builder run -s server_name

it will run container.

access container:

docker exec -ti container_name /bin/bash


Run provision after start

Run provision from host machine

Run from outside container

'provision' => {
    "bootstrap" => [
        {'type' => 'shell', 'run_from'=>'host', 'script'=>'name=myserver ruby myprovision1.rb'     }

it will run script name=myserver ruby myprovision1.rb from the host machine.

Provision with Chef

  • in config file
    'provision' => {
        "bootstrap" => [
            {'type' => 'chef', "script"=>"", "dir_base"=>"/opt/bootstrap", "recipe"=>"server::bootstrap" },

it will run chef provisioning:

cd /opt/bootstrap/ && chef-client -z -j /opt/bootstrap/config.json --override-runlist "recipe[server::bootstrap]"

config file with attributes (/opt/bootstrap/config.json) for chef-client is generated automatically.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  • edit config.rb in your root folder

You can put all settings in this config.rb file and/or use config.rb file in each server's folder.

Config files:



  • CHEF_COOKBOOKS - list of paths to chef cookbooks

Build Docker image

Build types:

  • 'none' - no build required
  • 'Dockerfile' - using Dockerfile and docker build command
  • 'chef' - using Chef provisioning (gem chef-provisioning-docker)
  • 'packer' - using Packer tool

Chef provisioning

  • add additional paths for cookbooks

in folder with servers:

# /path/to/my/servers/.chef/knife.rb

cookbook_path cookbook_path+[

Build Docker container with Chef

Example of building Docker container with Chef.

Assume that our server name is 'nginx'.

  • edit config file 'myserver/config.rb'
  • Chef recipes

  • cookbooks/nginx/recipes/build.rb place chef resources to be included in the Docker image

  • cookbooks/nginx/recipes/install.rb

  • cookbooks/nginx/recipes/install_host.rb

  • build

# run from the folder

docker-builder build['nginx']
  • shared data: /disk3/data/server-api/nginx-front

data for nginx server:

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d

  • /var/www/html

  • /var/log/nginx

  • Main site - /var/www/html ==> /disk3/data/server-api/nginx-front/var/www/html

  • Config

Run container

Manage multiple servers

Build container

Build from Dockerfile

  • config for server
'build' => {
      'build_type' => 'Dockerfile',
      "image_name" => "myname",

      "base_image" => {} # not used

Build with Packer

  • config for server
'build' => {
      'build_type' => 'packer',
      "image_name" => "myname",

      "base_image" => {
        "name" => "nginx",        
        "repository" => "nginx",        
        "tag" => "1.10"
      "packer" => { options for packer }
  • options for packer

  • cookbook_paths - list of paths

  • recipe_name

  • examples:

Run container

Run from existing image

  • config for server
'build' => {
      'build_type' => 'none',
      "image_name" => "myname",

      "base_image" => {
          "name" => "mysql", 
          "repository" => "mysql", 
          "tag" => "3.4.9"

it will NOT build a new Docker image.

Run Docker container with Chef

  • run recipe install_host which runs on the host machine (not in container)
  • run recipe install which runs from within the running container

Start Docker container

docker-builder start -s server_name

it starts docker container which was previously created.


  • Start docker container container with docker start ..
  • Provision container

Other tools

Packer is a tool for creating machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

Docker options for running container

  • run_extra_options - additional options for docker run command

  • hostname

        'docker'=> {
            'run_extra_options'=>'--hostname zookeeper'

Clear cache

Sometimes you need to clear cache with server info in chef-zero server

docker-builder clear_cache

Run in swarm mode

  • commands

docker-builder :up_swarm

docker-builder :destroy_swarm

  • config
docker: {
    # options here...
  • swarm_network - network name
  • swarm_options - options to pass to docker service create command



prefix for image names, container names, and service names (for swarm mode)

  • prefix - common prefix. Added to all names
  • container_prefix - prefix for containers
  • image_prefix - prefix for images
  • service_prefix - prefix for services


  • container name = $prefix$container_prefix$name

container name will be like 


Setup container

Setup container with shell script

  • run script from the host
'provision' => {
    "setup" => [
        {  'type' => 'shell',     'script' => 'scripts/',  },
  • it will run the script

Bootstrap container

  • first provision of container
  • provision scripts run only once

Bootstrap with shell script

  • Dockerfile

  • include script /opt/bootstrap/ in container

ADD scripts/ /opt/bootstrap/

RUN chmod +x /opt/bootstrap/

  • config
'provision' => {
    "bootstrap" => [
        {  'type' => 'shell',     'script' => '/opt/bootstrap/',  },

Provision with chef

docker-builder up -s server_name


  • docker create with docker options
    • entrypoint: /etc/bootstrap
  • generate config with node attributes for chef and save it to temp/boostrap-server.json
  • copy config file to container to /opt/bootstrap/config.json
  • docker start
  • when container starts it runs /etc/bootstrap which
    • runs chef-client to provision server first time


  • Docker container can be connected to multiple networks. Container has an IP in each network.

Docker networks can be created using docker command docker network create

Docker-builder allows you to manage networks for your container.

multiple networks

  • connect to multiple networks and specify default gateway

define IP in each network.

it assumes that networks 'my_bridge1' and 'my_overlay1' exist.

'docker'=> {
'network': {
   default_gateway: '',
   networks: {
      {net: 'bridge'}, # default docker bridge
      {net: 'my_bridge1', ip: ''},
      {net: 'my_overlay1', ip: ''},


in this example container will be connected to three networks: * docker default bridge named 'bridge' * custom docker network named 'my_bridge1' with ip='' * custom docker network named 'my_overlay1'

create networks:

docker network create --driver bridge --subnet= --gateway=  my_bridge1
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet=  --gateway= --ip-range= -o parent=eth0 my_overlay1

see docker networks:

docker network ls
  • check
docker exec -ti mycontainer bash

ip route

# sample output

remove default Docker bridge network

  • Container will be connected to two networks and NOT connected to default Docker network 'bridge'
'docker'=> {
'network': {
   networks: {
      {net: 'bridge', action: 'remove'}, # remove default docker bridge
      {net: 'mybridge1', ip: ''},
      {net: 'my_overlay1', ip: ''},




Build and run Docker containers with Chef, Dockerfile and other tools




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