Blender 2.9 addon (however, 2.8+ should be supported.) to allow development of DayZ Object builder compatible models. Version 0.1 Save often and backup before exporting.
- Any number of visual lods. However, I have yet to test any other lod than lod1 (1.000)
- geometry
- view geometry
- memory
- other lod types are easy to add
- vertex groups for named selections
- per vertex texturing / mats / diffuse through custom material parameters. (rvtex -> string, rvmat -> string, use_diffuse -> bool)
Generates a .bitxt file that you can open, finalize and export in object builder.
Load up empty blender file. Open the misc toolbar (right side of viewport) and press Reset Scene. This will generate the proper collection hierarchy. Pressing this again will delete all your objects and collections. You can now as many objects in each lod collection as you wish, multiple meshes in a single collection will be joined together behind the scenes on export. Set any vertex groups which emulates named vertex selections. Set any material/texture paths and diffuse colors through the material menu. You will need to create custom properties for these. Whose names are types are described above. A rvtex propery will override the use_diffuse property as they both share the same field in object builder. Use these fields to atleast generic assign textures materials and colors for mass renaming through object builder. Once ready, open up the misc toolbar and press export to DayZ. This will produce a file in the current plugin directory for now. You can now create a new project in Object Builder and import the bitxt file that was generated by the plugin.
- Doesn't convert object vertices to world space. Should be an easy thing to add though.
- Unable to export key value pairs as DayZ Object Builder doesn't seem to want to export them or load them via .bitxt.
- First time writing a blender plugin, the code sucks, I know. I was just trying to get something to work.