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maxlandon edited this page Feb 28, 2019 · 15 revisions

I - Installation

The procedure for installing EffectiveCouscous is the following:

1) Clone this repository

git clone

cd EffectiveCouscous/

2) Generate the Profile that will be imported in Maltego.

cd src/

canari create-profile EffectiveCouscous

( During this command, you will be prompted to create a new Canari conf file. Type Y(es) as many times as needed )

3) Open Maltego (must not be the first time you start it)

  • Click on the home button (Maltego icon, top-left corner).
  • Click on 'Import'.
  • Click on 'Import Configuration'.
  • Follow prompts.

II - Setup

Interaction with the Metasploit DB is made through its Web Service.

1) Find your API user token and copy it into src/EffectiveCouscous/resources/etc/EffectiveCouscous.conf under the section [EffectiveCouscous.local], next to userapitoken =

2) If needed, change the Metasploit Web Service URI Path, next to baseurl =

Python Version

Python 3.X required.

Distribution Support

Tested on Arch Linux.

Should work on any distribution without issues.