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Nextflow Hackathon

Joint Morning Session: Nextflow 101 (joint, Boehm SR, 9:30-12:30)

Goal: Understand structure of nf-file and key concepts (Channels, Processes, Operators)


  • practical work through intro (
  • customisation and adaptation
    • add parameters: e.g. ("Hello $name")
    • add processes: to print "uname -a and process-ID"
    • process directives: - [ ] control processes locally and globally (cpus, memory, container) - [ ] use container from dockerhub (global or process-wise)
  • configuration: run on slurm
  • workflow on github and test
  nextflow run --params ... -with-apptainer

Lunch (12:30 - 13:30): Pizza @ Boehm SR

Afternoon (13:30:15:30): Real Workflows


  • employ other workflows with singularity, locally and with slurm (queue test)

Group 1: Epi2Me, wf_alignment (DNA)

Challenge: Can we make this work with singularity and slurm?

  • Input: basecalled BAM (downsampled, drosophila)
  • Output: alignment BAM + QC
  • run wf_alignment (dm6) with apptainer (identify approrpiate container)
  • Extensions?
    • add process (e.g. samtools flagstat)
    • send email upon completion

Group 2: nf-core, nanoseq (RNA)

Challenge: Can we predict RNA modifications? (--> m6anet; skip all other analyses)

  • Input: samplesheet.csv, pod5/fast5 (subsampled)
  • Output: methylation calls: data.result.csv.gz

Final Meeting (16:00): Boehm SR

exchange workflows, test runs & final discussion


module load nextflow/23.10.0 

# vanilla
nextflow run sources/

# switch on debugging (for all processes)
nextflow run sources/ -process.debug

# show status for each task - rather than proces summary (defautl: -ansi-log true)
nextflow run sources/  -ansi-log false

# use with a specific singularity/apptained 
nextflow run -with-apptainer docker://ubuntu:20.04 sources/ 

# test runs *without* modification calling
nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq -profile test,singularity

# couldn't get to work
nextflow run ~/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-alignment  --bam data/bam --references /data/repository/organisms/dm6_flybase_r6.12/genome_fasta -with-singularity ontresearch/wf-alignment -without-docker

Retrospective correction: better specify -profile singularity as defined in nextflow.config (see group1 below)

Deep22 specific fixes


For epi2me workflows spaces had to be purged from the genome.fa.

Group 1 solution summary

nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-alignment  --bam data/bam --references data/genome -profile singularity

Include another 'process'

Including another process into the wf-alignment workflow.

process flagstat_extra {
    label "wfalignment"
    cpus 2
        tuple val(meta), path(bam), path(index)
        path "*.readstats_extra.tsv", emit: flagstats_extraout
        def sample_name = meta["alias"]
    samtools flagstat $bam > ${sample_name}.readstats_extra.tsv

and under workflow pipeline

// get flagstat extra
statsextra = flagstat_extra(bam)

//under emit
flagstats_extraout = statsextra.flagstats_extraout

The changed forked repo is available under

Send an email upon completion of the pipeline

workflow.onComplete {
    Pinguscript.ping_complete(nextflow, workflow, params)
        to: '[email protected]',
        subject: 'GREEN LIGHT',
        body: 'BONJOUR TOUT LE MONDE!',
        attachment: 'output/wf-alignment-report.html'

Group 2 solution summary

without slurm

  1. prepare data directory: rna_data/fast5/
  2. link reference files: genome.fa, genome.fa.fai, genes.gtf
  3. prepare config with singularity enabled and sufficient memory: group2/nextflow.config
  4. prepare parameter file with nf-core launch (avoid long command lines --params.): group2/nf-params.json
  5. postprocess nf-params.json for some futher adjustment (e.g. "skip_multiplexing": true")
  6. run
module load nextflow/23.10.0
nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq -r 3.1.0 -profile singularity -params-file nf-params.json  -resume

Conclusion: very slow run even for the small data set. Retrospective: the m6anet part of the workflow failed (after >5h!)

with slurm

  1. update to include "slurm" profile definition: group2/nextflow.slurm.config
  2. run (on a node with qsub permissions)
module load nextflow/23.10.0
module load slurm
nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq -r 3.1.0 -profile slurm -params-file nf-params.json -resume
  • if singularity images do not already exist at work/singularity, then nextflow will try to pull them with "singularity pull". This will fail on all nodes that don't have singularity installed.
  • one possible solution is to pull down the repo and the singularity containers using nf-core (, then we can execute the pipeline with slurm and singularity (not helpful as only 1 node can use singularity)

with conda/mamba

module load nextflow/23.10.0
module load slurm
nextflow run nf-core/nanoseq -r 3.1.0 -profile slurm,mamba -params-file nf-params.json -c nextflow.mamba.config -resume
  • failed because certain idependency requirements could not be resolved by mamba/conda (e.g nanoplot, samtools, ncurses, ...)
  • this would require to prepare a functional conda environment



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