This SnakeMake pipeline processes aligns bulk RNA-Seq datasets using STAR and finds differential gene expression between conditions using DESeq2.
NOTE: Some of the pipeline setup instructions are tailored for working on Oregon Health and Science University's Linux-based high-performance computing cluster (ARC, formerly Exacloud). If you have access to another computing cluster, then some steps may need to be modified accordingly.
NOTE: Exacloud users transitioning to ARC at the end of 2024 may need to set a new container cache directory (APPTAINER_CACHEDIR
) in their ~/.bashrc
file as shown in the Set Singularity/Apptainer cache directory section below.
# create a new working directory and clone this repository
mkdir my_project
cd my_project
git clone
cd rna_seq
# create a folder to symlink files into
mkdir -p data/raw
ln -s /absolute/path/to/files/EXP0000001_sample_R1_S001.fastq.gz data/raw/
ln -s /absolute/path/to/files/EXP0000001_sample_R2_S001.fastq.gz data/raw/
# for convenience, cd into data/raw folder before renaming symlinks
# rename symlinks to remove extraneous strings and match the following format: {sample}_{R1|R2}.fastq.gz
mv EXP0000001_sample_R1_S001.fastq.gz sample_R1.fastq.gz
mv EXP0000001_sample_R2_S001.fastq.gz sample_R2.fastq.gz
# make pipeline scripts executable
chmod +x scripts/*.py *.sh
IMPORTANT: Please double check your samples are in the following format before moving forward: {sample}_{R1|R2}.fastq.gz
To tailor the analysis to your needs, there are a series of files to edit before running the pipeline. Example formatting for the config.yaml, metadata, contrasts, groups, and replicates files can be found in the config
- This file specifies pipeline runtime configurations, such as which STAR genomes to align to, feature biotypes to select (e.g. protein coding genes), and differential analysis schemes.
- This is a REQUIRED 2-column table (tab-separated format, with SampleID and Condition columns) containing all unique sample IDs and the experimental condition that each sample belongs to.
- The sample IDs here should be the same as the sample names used in the formatted FASTQ symlinks:
. For example, if the FASTQ files for a given sample are CSF3R-rep3_R1.fastq.gz and CSF3R-rep3_R2.fastq.gz, then the sample ID in the metadata.txt file should be CSF3R-rep3.
- This is a REQUIRED 2-column table (tab-separated format, no header or column names) containing pairwise condition combinations to assess. The order of conditions matter (column1-vs-column2) to facilitate biological interpretation.
- An OPTIONAL 1-column table containing all the conditions used for group DESeq2 analysis. The order of conditions affect the plot order in the output heatmap. By default, use all the conditions in the metadata.
- An OPTIONAL YAML file that shows how to collapse biological replicates for DESeq2 group analysis (mainly affects the heatmap). Ignored if MERGE_REPLICATES is False.
This pipeline relies on either the package manager Conda or the container platform Singularity/Apptainer to create reproducible runtime environments.
To run the pipeline, we need a separate Conda environment with a clean install of SnakeMake - this environment can be used to invoke other maxsonBraunLab SnakeMake pipelines (including those that are containerized with Singularity/Apptainer), so we only need to install it once.
If you do not have a Conda environment with Snakemake installed, please use one of the following options to create one:
- Option A: Follow the instructions in the maxsonBraunLab Snakemake setup repository to create a Snakemake environment from a pre-made environment configuration file (recommended).
- Option B: Use Mamba to create an environment with Snakemake installed as shown below (requires Mamba installation prior to running):
# create an env with only snakemake inside of it
mamba create -n snakemake -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake=7.32
You will need to activate your Snakemake environment prior to running the pipeline. To do this, run:
conda activate <name_of_snakemake_environment>
Note: If you are running the containerized Singularity/Apptainer version of the pipeline, then you can skip the rest of the Conda environment installation steps below and proceed to the "Reproducible results with SnakeMake + Singularity/Apptainer" section.
If you are running the non-containerized Conda version of the pipeline, then you will need to create all the environments required to run the pipeline. To avoid having to install these environments every time you run the pipeline on a new dataset, you can save all your environments to a specific location as shown below.
# while in the working directory (where the Snakefile is), create all the environments required in the pipeline.
# specifically save them to this prefix folder so we only install everything once.
snakemake -j 1 --use-conda --conda-prefix $conda_prefix --conda-create-envs-only
To ensure the reproducibility of your results and reduce environment setup issues, we recommend running a SnakeMake workflow using Singularity/Apptainer containers. These containers standardize the installation of bioinformatics software (e.g. bowtie2, samtools, deseq2).
If you would like to run the pipeline using Singularity/Apptainer containers instead of Conda, please follow additional setup instructions below.
If you have access to the MaxsonLab storage space on ARC, then you can skip the first setup step below and use the default SINGULARITY_IMAGE_FOLDER
path specified in the config.yml
file to access the containers for this pipeline.
If you have previously run this pipeline with Singularity/Apptainer and already built the needed containers, then you can set the SINGULARITY_IMAGE_FOLDER
path in the config.yml
to the folder where your container images are stored.
Do this step if you do not have access to the MaxsonLab storage space on ARC and have not run this pipeline with Singularity/Apptainer before. You will need to build the necessary containers from the definition files provided in the singularity_definition_files
To build containers without requiring root access on ARC, you will need to create a Sylabs account (you can use your Github account to log in). After logging in, navigate to Dashboard > Access Tokens
and create a new access token. Make sure to copy and save the token into a secure place.
This token will allow you to access the Sylabs remote builder tool from the command line. Note that every user is limited to 500 minutes of build time per month.
After generating a Sylabs access token, you will need to log into Sylabs from the ARC command line. To do this:
# get onto an interactive/compute node
srun -p interactive --time=3:00:00 --pty bash
# input your access token when prompted
singularity remote login
Now you're ready to start building containers. To do this, navigate to the main folder of the pipeline (where the Snakefile is) and run the
script as follows:
# create folder to store build logs
mkdir -p jobs/singularity_build_remote
# make sure to follow any additional instructions in the script file before executing
# provide the path to a folder where you want to store your container images
# (don't include a slash "/" at the end of path)
sbatch <path_to_output_folder>
By default, Singularity/Apptainer will create and use a cache directory in your personal user root folder (i.e. in /home/users/<username>
). This may create problems as there is limited space in a user's root folder on ARC. To avoid issues with space in your root folder, you can set the Singularity/Apptainer cache directory path to a folder in your lab group directory like this:
# make a cache folder inside your lab user folder
mkdir /home/groups/MaxsonLab/<your_user_folder>/cache
# make the path to the cache folder accessible to other processes
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/home/groups/MaxsonLab/<your_user_folder>/cache"
export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR="/home/groups/MaxsonLab/<your_user_folder>/cache"
If you are an experienced user, you can add the export
lines above to your ~/.bashrc
file. Otherwise, run the export
command before executing the pipeline.
Please follow the instructions in the "Snakemake + SLURM integration" section below if you are running the pipeline as a batch job and don't yet have a SLURM profile set up. The SLURM profile will configure default settings for SnakeMake to interact with SLURM. More information can be found here.
NOTE: If you already have a SLURM profile set up to run Snakemake with Conda (i.e., includes settings like use-conda, conda-prefix) but would like to run Snakemake with SLURM and Singularity/Apptainer integration, please follow the instructions in the "Snakemake + SLURM + Singularity/Apptainer integration" section below.
Download the slurm
folder from the maxsonBraunLab repository and copy the entire thing to ~/.config/snakemake
Your file configuration for SLURM should be as follows:
Change the file permissions for the scripts in the slurm
folder so that they are executable. To do this, run:
chmod +x ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/slurm*
NOTE: The ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/config.yaml
file contains settings for SnakeMake to interact with SLURM and, optionally, Conda or Singularity/Apptainer. If you already have an exisiting SLURM profile configured to run Snakemake with Conda (i.e., includes settings like use-conda, conda-prefix), then you will need to create a separate profile for running Snakemake with Singularity/Apptainer. To do this:
- Copy contents of base slurm profile into another folder for slurm_singularity profile:
cp -r ~/.config/snakemake/slurm ~/.config/snakemake/slurm_singularity
- Make profile scripts executable:
chmod +x ~/.config/snakemake/slurm_singularity/slurm*
Remove any conda-specific settings (e.g. use-conda, conda-prefix, etc.) from
(Optional) Add the following lines to end of
use-singularity: True
keep-going: True
rerun-incomplete: True
printshellcmds: True
The pipeline can either be run using Conda package management (option 1) or using Singularity/Apptainer containers (option 2, recommended). For either execution option, the pipeline can be run in interactive mode or in batch mode.
Interactive mode is sufficient for small jobs or running small parts of the pipeline, but not appropriate for the entire process.
Batch mode execution with SLURM is appropriate for running many computationally-intensive tasks such as read alignment.
A "dry-run" can be accomplished to see what and how files will be generated by using the command:
snakemake -nrp
To invoke the pipeline, please use either of the two options below:
# Option A: run in interactive mode. Recommended for running light jobs.
srun --cores=20 --mem=64G --time=24:00:00 --pty bash
conda activate snakemake
snakemake -j <n cores> --use-conda --conda-prefix $CONDA_PREFIX_1/envs
# Option B: run in batch mode. Recommended for running intensive jobs.
For users running the pipeline in batch mode,
is a wrapper script that contains the following command:
snakemake -j <n jobs> --use-conda --conda-prefix $CONDA_PREFIX_1/envs --profile slurm --cluster-config cluster.yaml
Additional setup instructions are provided in the wrapper script.
You can standardize further arguments for running the pipeline in batch mode using the following instructions. The maxsonBraunLab repository slurm contains further instructions to set up a SnakeMake slurm profile.
Singularity/Apptainer documentation on Exacloud can be found here.
Singularity/Apptainer documentation on ARC can be found here.
A "dry-run" can be accomplished to see what and how files will be generated by using the command:
snakemake -nrp
To invoke the pipeline, please use either of the two options below.
NOTE: Make sure to use double quotes for the --bind
argument, and insert an integer for the -j
flag. The --bind
argument binds the host (ARC) paths to the container to access the genome indices and the path to the raw sequencing files. When Snakemake is executed directly on an interactive terminal, the -j
flag represents the max number of cores to use. When executed via a batch script, the -j
flag represents the max number of jobs to run at a time.
Option A: Singularity/Apptainer + interactive run
# get onto an interactive/compute node
srun --time=24:00:00 --pty bash
# activate your environment with snakemake
conda activate <snakemake_env>
# set folder paths
# fastq_folder should be absolute/full path to folder containing raw FASTQ files (not the symlinks)
# run pipeline
snakemake -j <n_cores> \
--use-singularity \
--singularity-args "--bind $indices_folder,$fastq_folder"
Option B: Singularity/Apptainer + slurm (batch) run
For users running the Singularity/Apptainer version of the pipeline in batch mode,
is a wrapper script for the pipeline. You will need to add the appropriate FASTQ folder path to the script prior to running. Additional instructions are provided in the wrapper script.
# run pipeline
├── bigwig -- genome tracks for each sample
├── counts -- raw and deseq2-normalized counts tables
├── deseq2 -- group and pairwise analysis of DESeq2 results
├── fastp -- read trimming results from fastp
├── fastqc -- FASTQ quality for each sample
├── fastq_screen -- contamination screen for each sample
├── logs -- log files for each rule split by sample
├── multiqc -- multiqc report summarizing QC metrics each sample
├── preseq -- library complexity for each sample
├── raw -- raw sequencing reads (symlinks highly recommended)
├── star -- BAM files for each sample
└── tmp -- tmp folder for various programs to minimize writing to /tmp in cluster nodes.
├── cluster.yaml -- configuration file for SLURM resources
├── config -- directory for further configuration files
├── config.yaml -- main config file for the pipeline
├── data -- contains raw and processed data
├── envs -- conda environments in YAML format
├── jobs -- cluster jobs belong here, great for debugging
├── scripts -- series of scripts used in the pipeline
└── Snakefile -- core of this SnakeMake pipeline