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A C# add-in for Excel that contains functions for risk-adjusted portfolio performance analysis.


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Risk-Adjusted Portfolio Performance Measures

Excel Add-in
Created in C# with Excel-DNA
Author: Timothy R. Mayes, Ph.D.
Version: 0.2
Date: 1 February 2020


This Excel add-in (an .xll file) contains functions that calculate common risk-adjusted performance measures. Required arguments typically include a series of asset/portfolio returns, market/benchmark portfolio (e.g., S&P 500) returns, and risk-free asset (e.g., U.S. Treasury security) returns.

Functions Included:

Purpose Function Name and Arguments
Sharpe Ratio SharpeRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Revised Sharpe Ratio RevisedSharpeRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Adjusted Sharpe Ratio AdjustedSharpeRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
M-Squared (i.e., the Modigliani & Modigliani measure) MSquared(Asset Returns, Market Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Roy's "Safety First" Ratio RoyRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Information Ratio InformationRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns, Data Frequency)
Treynor Index TreynorIndex(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Asset Beta, Data Frequency)
Arithmetic Tracking Error TrackingErrorArithmetic(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns, Data Frequency)
Geometric Tracking Error TrackingErrorGeometric(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns, Data Frequency)
Beta Beta(Asset Returns, Market Returns)
Adjusted Beta AdjustedBeta(Asset Returns, Market Returns)
Bull Beta (beta in up markets) BullBeta(Asset Returns, Market Returns)
Bear Beta (beta in down markets) BearBeta(Asset Returns, Market Returns)
Beta Timing Ratio (ratio of bull beta to bear beta) BetaTimingRatio(Asset Returns, Market Returns)
Jensen's Alpha JensensAlpha(Asset Returns, Market Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Appraisal Ratio AppraisalRatio(Asset Returns, Market Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Fama's Decomposition FamaDecomposition(Asset Returns, Market Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Target Beta, Data Frequency)
Up Capture Ratio UpCaptureRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Down Capture Ratio DownCaptureRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Up Percentage Ratio UpPercentageRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Down Percentage Ratio DownPercentageRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Percentage Gain Ratio PercentageGainRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Percentage Loss Ratio PercentageLossRatio(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns)
Hurst Exponent HurstExponent(Asset Returns)
Bias Ratio BiasRatio(Asset Returns, Standard Deviations)
Market Risk MarketRisk(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns, Data Frequency)
Unique (Diversifiable) Risk UniqueRisk(Asset Returns, Benchmark Returns, Data Frequency)
Lower Partial Moment LowerPartialMoment(Asset Returns, Target Return, Degree, Data Frequency)
Upper Partial Moment UpperPartialMoment(Asset Returns, Target Return, Degree, Data Frequency)
Semi-Variance SemiVariance(Asset Returns, Target Return, Data Frequency)
Semi-Deviation SemiDeviation(Asset Returns, Target Return, Data Frequency)
Omega Ratio OmegaRatio(Asset Returns, Target Return, Degree, Data Frequency)
Jarque-Bera Test JarqueBeraTest(Asset Returns)
K Ratio KRatio(Asset Returns)
Total Return Index TotalReturnIndex(Asset Returns, Start Value)
Maximum Drawdown MaxDrawDown(Asset Returns)
Maximum Drawdown by Year MaxDrawDownByYear(Asset Returns, Dates)
Average Annual Max Drawdown AverageMaxDrawDown(Asset Returns, Dates)
Average Drawdown AverageDrawDown(Asset Returns, Count)
Maximum Drawdown Duration MaxDrawDownDuration(Asset Returns)
Calmar Ratio CalmarRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Sterling Ratio SterlingRatio(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Count, Data Frequency)
Ulcer Index UlcerIndex(Asset Returns)
Ulcer Performance Index UlcerPerformanceIndex(Asset Returns, Risk-Free Returns, Data Frequency)
Parametric Value at Risk ParametricVaR(Asset Returns, Confidence Level)
Modified Parametric VaR ModifiedParametricVaR(Asset Returns, Confidence Level)
Historical Simulation VaR HistoricalSimulationVaR(Asset Returns, Confidence Level)
Holding Period Return HoldingPeriodReturn(Prices, Cash Flows)
HPR with Reinvestment HPRWithReinvestment (Prices, Cash Flows)
Sub-Period Returns SubPeriodReturns(Prices, Cash Flows)
Log Sub-Period Returns LogSubPeriodReturns(Prices, Cash Flows)


The add-in .xll file (most should use PortfolioPerformance.xll, but if you are using 64-bit Excel then use PortfolioPerformance64.xll) can be installed in Microsoft Excel on the Windows platform (not available for Mac) in the usual way. Go to File -> Options -> Add-ins and then click the Go button at the bottom of the dialog box. Click the Browse button and select the .xll file from the directory where you saved it. From this point on, the add-in will be loaded automatically every time that you start Excel.


To remove the Add-in from Excel, simply repeat the installation instructions, but remove the check mark next to the add-in name. This will cause it to be unloaded. To permanently remove the add-in, simply delete the .xll file from the directory in which it is stored. Note that the next time you return to the add-ins dialog box, Excel will inform you that it cannot find the file and ask if you would like it to be removed from the list.


The functions are available in the Insert Function dialog box in the Portfolio Performance category. Each function and argument has a short description.

Of course, the functions can be entered manually as well, and the add-in includes Intellisense to help if you type the function directly. For example, typing =SharpeRatio(A1:A15, B1:B15) will calculate the Sharpe Ratio, assuming that the asset returns are in A1:A15 and the risk-free asset returns are in B1:B15.

Documentation is available at:


This free and open-source project is hosted on GitHub, and you can always download the latest version at To update it, make sure that Excel is not open and then download the appropriate version of the add-in to the same folder where you had originally saved it. The next time that you start Excel, the updated version of the add-in will be used.


Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Timothy R. Mayes. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.


A C# add-in for Excel that contains functions for risk-adjusted portfolio performance analysis.








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