A 100% FREE Megamenu for Elementor using ONLY Jquery and CSS and standard Elementor sections and blocks
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About this repo:
Build a megamenu with Elementor natively using some Javascript/Jquery and CSS.
How it works:
Javascript intercepts the mouseover/hover events and sets the opacity of an elementor section to 1.0.
How to install it (overview):
Build your Megamenu content directly below your main navigation menu as a native Elementor section. Give this section a custom class name and then use the provided script.html (don't forget to change the class ids in this file) inside your footer in an HTML block so that the submenu shows (opacity becomes 1.0) when the mouse is over the main menu item.
Detailed Instructions:
- Directly below your main menu in your header, build your submenu in a new section and give this section a unique class name. Use whatever Elementor blocks you like inside (I use a few inner sections). I haven't tested this with multiple sections, so if you want to create a comlex layout, stick with inner sections inside a single section vs multiple sections stacked.
- Drop the provided script inside your footer in an html block. Get the script here: https://github.com/mayurjobanputra/Zero-Plugin-Megamenu-for-Elementor/blob/main/script.html
- Edit the script to reflect your unique css classes using the guideline below
- wherever you see .gethelpmenu in the script file change to the custom class you assigned to the section you built inside Elementor
- wherever you see .menu-item-37 change to the unique class name of the menu item from your main menu
- Edit the z-index (line 9 of the script) to be exactly 1 index higher than the section above the submenu. In my case, I set the section above the submenu to have a z-index of 99 and set my submenu to have a z-index of 100. The menu will still work without it, but small details like section shadow (often seen with megamenus) won't show up properly because of the z-index.
Watch the Youtube video >>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLyoaLSXPz4
- Elementor (free or pro) installed and activated. If you use Elementor free, you will need to install a plugin that lets you build headers via Elementor. I'm using pro in this example.
- A navigation menu widget (native Elementor widget) added into your header and displaying your main menu
- A method to add html to your footer (I use a native footer section that display site-wide via Elementor Theme builder)
- Basic understanding of CSS and how to DevTools (chrome) to find the unique class id of the main nav menu
If you need more help, email me hello @ mayur dot ca
- I would like for the submenu to dissappear when the mouse pointer leaves the column (that cointains the megamenu). I suspect I need to use nested if/then or some other way to detect this user event. Essentially, I need to write some JS to detect that the megamenu opacity isn't zero, and in only those cases, hide the megamenu if the mouse leaves the column, after entering it. At the moment, the menu dissappears if you hover over another menu item in the main navigation or if you scroll down below the entire megamenu parent section.