Maintainer: Mathieu Desvé
Based on generator-generator
First make a new directory, and cd
into it:
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
Then install generator-footguard
npm install -g generator-footguard
Run yo footguard
, optionally passing an app name:
yo footguard
Available generators:
Available commands:
The CSS Styleguide of your project is automatically generated by KSS and inspired by GitHub CSS Styleguide.
For use it, run grunt server
and in an other terminal run grunt open:styleguide
or go in your brower to http://localhost:9000/styleguide/index.html
Live compiling and LiveReload is enable when change some Sass file.
Footguard application work with Code coverage. When you run your test with grunt test
, all CoffeeScript file are builded for coverage with JSCoverage pattern. You can see grunt-coffeecov (Thanks to Benbria for Coffee-coverage). The tests are reported by mocha-phantom-coverage-reporter. This reporter create a coverage
folder with coverage.html
for local coverage and coverage.lcov
You can plug this to Coveralls it's very simple. Create an account and a project in Coveralls interface, add your project token in .coveralls.yml
repo_token: "TQm8NvgkKF...tmDMfxr8O"
And add these lines to .travis.yml
- cat ./coverage/coverage.lcov | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js src/coffee/app
You can deploy your footguard application to Github Pages. For that you have some helper scripts in scripts
grunt build
This script initialize a new git repository in build
folder and commit in gh-pages
If you want to deploy automaticly with Travis CI. Add this to your .travis.yml
in after_success
REPO="https://$GH_USER:[email protected]/user/repository" ./scripts/
Replace user
and repository
by your username and your deploy repository.
use HTTPS authentification, for create secure GH_USER
use Travis encrypt gem
gem install travis
travis encrypt GH_USER=username GH_PASSWORD=mypass
Add the output in your .travis.yml
- secure: "hc0s49uOKKAlM/np6jCd4il3K0f....PtPSGS7DZA="
You can deploy your footguard application to Heroku. For that you have some helper scripts in scripts
grunt build
APP=my-heroku-app ./scripts/
This script initialize a new git repository in build
folder, commit and push to Heroku repository.
If you want to deploy automaticly with Travis CI. Add this to your .travis.yml
in after_success
APP=my-heroku-app ./scripts/
You must create a SSH Key and transfer this to Heroku and Travis
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_heroku
Warning: don't use password, just tap enter for the passphrase. Add this key to Heroku: Managing Your SSH Keys
For add SSH Key to Travis, you have a script for that.
FILE=~/.ssh/id_heroku ./scripts/
Copy/Past the output to your .travis.yml
- secure: "Mr5Hk9o4/3FDrPS6W7bpkt9DSGvKY3syT.../DunMf4mukYS52rqf7ED3g7qcZNbB8bUB7mw="
- secure: "F3kKrUnlmoZ/BjIvX9YOiqouP3cfi4QGD...JIMs8Qxv8rQ8q1IKABk/OjXSXQ4uXBIZTaQM="
- secure: "PNlNhimaNL+b2zW/NARpgZZfy91MShFk/...JEXG7/5Xw8XpRnE7YSYatpmcZEITh6bY5Cak="
- secure: "OWTu+nJ9tbTnrT3knKRySYfs7L5MUlp0B...lxIzVCmP93+eiWdYlAIqlrQVPTEjwSpFJ1YM="
- secure: "PYVGN9I+EEb7INgB8vfk31HK9vs7KUK4t...1lMzBZ9QnudmkfhWcntPZ0REBMev93Ubm1Vg="
- secure: "GB5Ilsb+vIBU9BHI6ecooHaWATYp8HaG8...YnxIbcCcD5A7F5t8jXnt5kNWpDrw6lsNqsr0="
- secure: "BjCItlrxmuGoS+WPkgKWK5Mx7WwFV74v8...5Teyddh4jr9eEeKd0UyjdjhbKl7UsYb3ZQBM="
- secure: "SILo9jttohP904KGwRps5zmM3lNjhiju4...lQ/2tAiH4+Gu1wLS64aKXZaddpnkkuNrovcI="
- secure: "AC8qsl1jSWGFzpYaOjAbjszySIReP9CyM...8G2nuBUZkNG0hWGq+MUADDndvuedrWtAwWwc="
- secure: "AFuJ5oW7ny/wC/zIC7v9+aRenohlxH1Ze...R2DZgPVBMvJm/BwpMgO5gS5jtXpXKJ9oeNDs="
- secure: "XlBaCu7CYGwLulmsQKP0ngzCqsKrwDS7G...H72iMgyWCmRDBiVhlKRWxAaTGdcm2J4myXKI="
- secure: "e+gQtJrsxUxEBK2jW1Z+MKrLlccU/EVHW...GOqXt27Be5hR0BnmqS6ktthTNZw0ZGSJAZn0="
- secure: "fapYx+8qI8rKOt05FCHoWQ/57xthi0Q56...V4NSbLqgL8j1GXgzqFlWdW1aMUYqrBUrdj8U="
- secure: "RTZnOGEVz4HP90d3dXrBZ7+u/UK/1H3CK...PRMhtXRsgcKc6pEP3Hixm3N8xerfLBeM8U3E="
- secure: "F71xdB821SMfgkGAZGAlGw2gd54obTVWN...ul1VaN9Ywpyuj2OM60SHQWmq0b3JmQnDBWes="
- secure: "STA3wj2WKmnDkvqcpDb73by/Cwqz/1Nsp...01Nq57AV/0nGbdrZlnopNfPSiZfBcDdMFJUM="
- secure: "ZbSFArUPRXyxdgdix4Apxxg0Z0khLN/zb...7NAcVrBiyyZOJ2PRYB2D2VbeOSJ/2oUYL5Gk="
- secure: "fBONuwxSqZs89TYZHdkYnHQelNxnexLW+...gS/oZ+ax3D3IuG6ruEwwAN5aMM17W9l7CrPw="
- secure: "chzc8pAFk9QSx+bUdvkYLdf5+JzLLw6kq...JFmHU5xhEH16Q68/exWyFsSyuWIl7MnXrrJc="
- secure: "YOUh2JQKsr6XxTlkNyIvxUZRcQt4HOC7x...UrcGW6V/HdwGJ82x+bfoo9ninTod3igyS4hU="
- secure: "G6Oj2L5yHLSxGZ7GmOHa2s8Z7ChUGJgUF...TVl+JjndvQHOaJgiYtn+fz61GPaxNc1++bVw="
- secure: "W2cDJ6ACKQQSALnzr1qj6sDHMAY84kMuu...BdGdRSwczwGWX+vnXU3qNtwYb6GwblDJ7PKs="
- secure: "Hb55+EgFFGw8h+EeoyfuOjBsldmly/i7s...yHCrhSl4/QVWDSpzt4XEGE0bjrwuJGsYRCi8="
If you want to deploy your app just after commit the master, you can add these lines:
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]]; then grunt build; fi
- BRANCH=master REPO="https://$GH_USER:[email protected]/mazerte/test-footguard" ./scripts/
- BRANCH=master APP=test-footguard ./scripts/