ForceUpdateKit |
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ForceUpdateKit This repo is for checking the force update of app and handle the force update flow.
- Force Update without implementing server and client
- Variety of style and configuration.
- Compatible with all platforms
- Manually
- Cocoapods
- SPM (Swift Package Manager)
- Download the source code.
- Extract the zip file, simply drag folder Sources into your project.
- Make sure Copy items if needed is checked.
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'ForceUpdateKit'
Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.
To integrate ForceUpdateKit into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, add it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
- Getting started with code
in Appdelegate or SceneDelegate or wherever you need it you can call:
import ForceUpdateKit
Task {
await ForceUpdateKit().configure()
- Demo1 - FullScreen1
- Demo2 - FullScreen2
- Demo3 - FullScreen3
- Demo4 - FullScreen4
- Demo5 - Popover1
- Demo6 - Popover2
FullScreen1 |
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Task {
await ForceUpdateKit().configure()
FullScreen2 |
![]() |
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .fullscreen2)
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
FullScreen3 |
![]() |
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .fullscreen3)
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
FullScreen4 |
![]() |
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .fullscreen4)
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
Popover1 |
![]() |
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .popover1)
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .popover1)
config.viewConfig.contentViewBackColor = .clear
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
Popover2 |
![]() |
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .popover2)
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig(style: .popover2)
config.viewConfig.contentViewBackColor = .clear
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
this is the default value Service configuration class that you configure all items that you want custom:
public struct UpdateServiceConfig {
public var route: String = ""
public var appId: String = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? String()
public var version: String = Bundle.main.releaseVersionNumber ?? String()
public var viewConfig: ForceUpdateViewConfig = ForceUpdateViewConfig()
that you can define or pass a new value for the route or use the default for using from our service.
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig()
config.route = "https://myapi.enpoint/forceupdate"
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)
If you change the API endpoint for calling your server you should make the response that is expected from the Kit:
"version": "Up to 12.349 version Apr 2024.",
"forceUpdate": true,
"title": "It's time to update",
"description": "It's time to update The version you are using is old, need to update to the latest version in order to experience new features.",
"iconUrl": "",
"linkUrl": "",
"buttonTitle": "Update New Version"
this is the default value for View configuration class that you configure all items that you want custom:
public class ForceUpdateViewConfig {
public var style: ForceUpdateViewStyle = .fullscreen1
public var updateButtonNortmalTitle: String = "Update New Version"
public var updateButtonSelectedTitle: String = "Update New Version"
public var updateButtonImage: UIImage = UIImage(named: "") ?? UIImage()
public var contentViewBackColor: UIColor = .white
public var popupViewBackColor: UIColor = .black
public var popupViewCornerRadius: CGFloat = 15.0
public var contentBackGroundImage: UIImage = UIImage(named: "",
in: Bundle.module,
compatibleWith: nil) ?? UIImage()
public var updateImageType: ImageType = .spaceship1
public var updateImage: UIImage?
public var updateImageColor: UIColor?
public var updateButtonFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
public var headerTitleFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13, weight: .bold)
public var headerTitle = "It's time to update"
public var headerTitleColor: UIColor = .black
public var descriptionFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
public var descriptionText = "It's time to update The version you are using is old, need to update the latest version in order to experience new features."
public var descriptionTextColor: UIColor = .gray
public var versionFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10, weight: .bold)
public var versionText = "Up to 12.349 version Apr 2024."
public var versionTextColor: UIColor = .gray
public var updateButtonBackColor: UIColor = .blue
public var lineColor: UIColor = .lightGray
public var updateButtonTitleColor: UIColor = .white
public var updateButtonCornerRadius: CGFloat = 20.0
public var updateButtonBorderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
public var updateButtonBorderColor: UIColor = .clear
Task {
let config = UpdateServiceConfig() = .popover2
config.viewConfig.contentViewBackColor = .clear
config.viewConfig.popupViewBackColor = .black
config.viewConfig.headerTitle = "my header title"
config.viewConfig.updateButtonCornerRadius = 30
config.viewConfig.updateButtonBorderWidth = 1
config.viewConfig.updateButtonBorderColor = .yellow
config.viewConfig.headerTitleColor = .white
config.viewConfig.updateImageType = .gear
config.viewConfig.updateImageColor = .orange
config.viewConfig.updateButtonBackColor = .orange
config.viewConfig.versionTextColor = .orange
await ForceUpdateKit().configure(config: config)