Dyssol is a tool for dynamic flowsheet simulation of complex production processes with advanced treatment of granular materials.
For more information, please check the documentation.
Video intruductions: Basics and Simulation of granulation process
For new versions and updates, please visit our github page.
To cite Dyssol please use the following: Skorych, V., Dosta, M., & Heinrich, S. (2020). Dyssol — An open-source flowsheet simulation framework for particulate materials. SoftwareX, 12, 100572. doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2020.100572.
Dyssol should install and work on all latest versions of Windows. Requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 to run.
Run the provided installer and follow the instructions.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, Desktop development with C++ workload.
- Qt 5.15.2 msvc2019 / msvc2019_64
- Qt Visual Studio Tools for Visual Studio 2019
- CMake 3.14 or higher
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Git
- PowerShell 5.0 (usually shipped with Windows)
- Make sure all programs and tools from the list are installed.
- Setup Qt Visual Studio Tools extension to point to the installed Qt libraries. In Visual Studio 2019, go to Extensions → Qt VS Tools → Qt Versions → add new Qt version → ... → Navigate in the Qt installation directory to
→ rename Version tomsvc2019
→ OK. Repeat forQt/5.15.0/msvc2019_64/bin/qmake.exe
and rename Version tomsvc2019_64
. - Compile and build external libraries: zlib, HDF5, SUNDIALS, graphviz. To do this, navigate to
and execute fileRunAll.bat
. It will start building all the required libraries by executing filesCompileZLib.ps1
. To use the scripts, the following requirements apply: Visual Studio 16 2019, CMake, PowerShell 5.0. - Open
with Visual Studio and build the solution.
- Make sure all required and optional programs and tools are installed.
- Install required python libraries by running in a terminal
pip install -U sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme breathe
- In Visual Studio Solution Explorer go to
, right click on theInstaller
project and choose Build. The built.exe
installer locates inDyssol/DyssolInstallers/Installers
Also, other versions of Microsoft Visual Studio can be used, but additional preparations are required:
- Install build tools for the corresponding Visual Studio.
- Configure all *.ps1 scripts to use the required version of Visual Studio build tools before running
. - If the Models Creator tool is required, files associated with it may need to be updated. They to be found in
- gcc-9, g++-9
- CMake 3.1.0 or higher
- Install the required build tools
$ cd /path_to_repo
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gladky-anton/sundials
$ sudo apt install build-essential libsundials-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libgraphviz-dev doxygen
$ pip install -U sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme breathe
$ mkdir install
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake --build . --parallel
$ make doc
$ make install
- The compiled executable file and all the units' libraries will appear in
- BaseSolvers - interfaces for equation solvers
- CahceHandlers - dynamic data caching
- Documentation - manuals
- DyssolConsole - main project for command-line version of Dyssol
- DyssolInstallers - scripts and data needed to build installers for Windows
- DyssolMainWindow - main project for GUI version of Dyssol
- EquationSolvers - built-in equation solvers based on SUNDIALS library
- ExternalLibraries - all third-party libraries and scripts to build them
- GUIDialogs - main GUI components
- GUIWidgets - auxiliary GUI components and tools
- HDF5Handler - wrapper for HDF5 library
- MaterialsDatabase - database of materials
- ModelsAPI - part of the core components needed to develop units
- Modules - additional modules
- PropertySheets - projects settings for Visual Studio
- SimulatorCore - core components
- Solvers - all solvers and templates for them
- Units - all units and temp0lates for them
- Utilities - auxiliary program components
- Dyssol.sln - main file of the Visual Studio solution
- LICENSE - license agreement
- Materials.dmdb - exemplary database of materials
- README.md - this file
- Example flowsheets – flowsheet examples
- Example solvers – source code of solvers (C++)
- Example units – source code of units (C++)
- Help – documentation files (pdf)
- Licenses – information about licenses
- platforms - Qt libraries to support GUI
- Solvers – libraries of developed solvers
- styles - Qt libraries to support GUI
- Units – libraries of developed units
- VCProject – Models Creator tool: template project for Microsoft Visual Studio
- Dyssol.exe – main executable of Dyssol
- DyssolC.exe – command-line utility
- ExampleConfigFile.txt – example configuration file for command-line utility
- LICENSE - license agreement
- Materials.dmdb – default materials database
- Qt5*.dll - Qt libraries to support GUI
- *.dll - Other external libraries
- unins000.exe – Dyssol uninstaller
- Qt – The Qt Company - LGPL v3
- HDF5 – HDF Group - HDF license
- zlib – Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler - zlib license
- SUNDIALS – Lawrence Livermore National Security and Southern Methodist University - BSD-3-Clause license
- Inno Setup – Jordan Russell - Inno Setup license
- KISS FFT – Mark Borgerding - BSD-3-Clause license
- Graphviz – Graphviz contributors - CPL v1.0 license