The SPFE Open Toolkit
To make it run:
Unpack the archive to a suitable location.
- Add the spfe-ot directory to your path.
- If not already installed, install Java.
- If not already installed, install Python 3.4 or later and add it to your path.
- If not already installed, install the Python lxml and regex libraries.
An easy way to install Python 3.4 and the required libraries is to install a packaged version of Python that already includes the libraries, such as Anaconda (
To build the SPFE docs:
- Go to the directory spfe/spfe-docs/config.
- Enter: spfe build spfe-docs-config.xml final.
The build will create a directory spfebuild in your home directory. The SPFE docs will be in {home}/spfebuild/spfe-docs/output.
The SPFE docs are also avaialble online at