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Update papero to be instantiated as a submodule

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Git submodule workflow

  1. Clone the repository with the --recursive option: git clone --recursive [email protected]:PerugiaOverNetDAQ/papero.git
  2. To update the repository run:
git pull
git submodule update
  1. If you already have cloned the repository:
git submodule init
git submodule update

Hog walkthrough

For more information, read the official documentation.

  • Be sure to clone the repository with the --recursive option
  • Top folder contains all the projects with their configuration files
  • From the git root folder run ./Hog/ papero to create the quartus project
    • The command regenerates the .qsys modules and includes all the other (qip, vhd, v, ...)
  • The Quartus project (.qpf) is in the directory Projects/papero
  • Once the compiling process is over, Hog copies the output .sof file and the reports in the folder bin
    • The files are organized in subfolders, named with the commit SHA and the tag
    • Make sure that all changes are committed (at least locally)
    • Create the correspondent incremental tag with the format vX.X.X (e.g. v.1.0.2)
    • These commit SHA and the tag are mapped in two FPGA registers

Register Array Content

Configuration Registers

With these registers, the HPS configures all the modules of the FPGA. HPS have read/write access, while FPGA read-only.

# Content Default (hex)
0 Reset, Start, Stop: XXXXXX00
4: Start/Stop trigger 0
2: Reset regArray 0
1: Reset counters 0
0: Reset FPGA logic, regArray excluded 0
1 Enable and configuration of TdaqModule Units: XXXXX001
[9:8]: Test Unit configuration 0
6: hkReader Enable 0
5: Periodically (1s) receive content of regArray 0
4: Read content of the regArray, instantaneously 0
1: Enable/Disable_n for Test Unit and Detector Interface. If '0', enable Detector Interface and disable Test Unit 0
0: FastData_Transmitter Enable 1
2 Configuration of trigger and busy logic: 02faf080
[31:4]: Period of internal trigger, in 320 ns units. Default period of 1 second 02faf080
1: Calibration flag: if asserted, change the events' header flag to calibration 0
0: Enable internal trigger 0
3 [15:0] Detector ID XXXXF0CA
4 Length of the scientific-data packet in number of 32-bit words (note that the header is 10 words long) 0000028A
5 IDE1140 clock parameters: 00110022
[31:16]: Duty cycle (in system-clock cycles) 0011
[15:0]: Period (in system-clock cycles) 0022
6 AD7276 clock parameters: 00010002
[31:16]: Duty cycle (in system-clock cycles) 0001
[15:0]: Period (in system-clock cycles) 0002
7 MSD-specific parameters 01070145
31: AD7276 Fast Mode support 1
30: Internal calibration trigger (only in FOOT) 0
24: IDE1140 Test port 0
[23:16]: IDE1140 channel that receives Cal pulse [0-7F]
[15:0]: Trigger-2-Hold Delay (in clock cycles) 0145
8 Busy extension and delay of ADC start of conversion 0028001D
[31:16]: Extend busy duration at the end of each event (in 320 ns steps) 0028
[15:0]: Delay between the front-end negative clock cycle and start of ADC conversion 001D

Status Registers

The FPGA writes its status in these registers. FPGA has read/write access, while HPS read-only.

# Content Default (hex)
16 Gateware version: SHA of the git commit that generate the current system
17 Internal timestamp MSBs: Number of system-clock's ticks from the last reset
18 Internal timestamp LSBs
19 External timestamp MSBs: Number of external clock's ticks from the last reset
20 External timestamp LSBs
21 Warnings: 00000000
8: FD TX: Generic warning
2: CFG RX: GW version mismatch
1: CFG RX: Header or trailer fixed-words missing
0: CFG RX: CRC or parity-bits mismatch
22 Busy and full flags: 00000000
31: General busy flag
28: testUnit busy
[27:20]: AND inputs of the trigBusy unit
[19:12]: OR inputs of the trigBusy unit
11: FD TX busy
10: HK FIFO almost full
9: Fast FIFO almost full
8: FDI FIFO almost full
[7:0]: Triggers occurred when busy asserted
23 External trigger counter
24 Internal trigger counter
25 [15:0]: testUnit PRBS FIFO used words
31 Piumone: control word C1A0C1A0


Update papero to be instantiated as a submodule






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  • C 66.1%
  • VHDL 32.2%
  • Verilog 1.7%