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Raise [Vcs.E] more systematically
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mbarbin committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent 63a6d19 commit d87bf00
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Showing 17 changed files with 381 additions and 175 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,18 @@
### Changed

- Provider interfaces now uses `Vcs.Result` type instead of `Or_error` (#34, @mbarbin).
- Moved `Vcs.raise_s` to `Vcs.Exn.raise_s` to group exn related helpers (#34, @mbarbin).
- Rename what was `Vcs.Result` to `Vcs.Rresult` and introduce `Vcs.Result` whose type is simpler (#33, @mbarbin).
- Moved `ocaml-vcs more-tests` commands at top-level (#28, @mbarbin).

### Deprecated

### Fixed

- Changed some exceptions raised by the `vcs` related libraries to the `Vcs.E` exception (#34, @mbarbin).

### Removed

- Removed `Vcs.Exn.raise_s` since it is causing `bisect_ppx` unvisitable points (#34, @mbarbin).
- Removed package `vcs-arg` and inline what's needed directly in `vcs-command` (#28, @mbarbin).

## 0.0.8 (2024-09-30)
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions lib/vcs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ let refs t =

let set_ref t ~rev ~ref_kind =
match Hashtbl.find t.revs rev with
| None -> raise_s [%sexp "Rev not found", (rev : Rev.t)]
| None -> raise (Exn0.E (Err.create_s [%sexp "Rev not found", (rev : Rev.t)]))
| Some index ->
Hashtbl.set t.refs ~key:ref_kind ~data:index;
Hashtbl.add_multi t.reverse_refs ~key:index ~data:ref_kind
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,7 +497,11 @@ let rec summary t =
let check_index_exn t ~index =
let node_count = node_count t in
if index < 0 || index >= node_count
then raise_s [%sexp "Node index out of bounds", { index : int; node_count : int }]
[%sexp "Node index out of bounds", { index : int; node_count : int }]))

let get_node_exn t ~index =
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions lib/vcs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ let reraise_with_context err bt ~step =
Stdlib.Printexc.raise_with_backtrace (Exn0.E (Err.add_context err ~step)) bt

let raise_s msg sexp =
raise (Exn0.E (Err.create_s [%sexp (msg : string), (sexp : Sexp.t)]))

module Private = struct
let try_with f =
match f () with
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions lib/vcs/src/vcs_exn.mli
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]} *)
val reraise_with_context : Err.t -> Stdlib.Printexc.raw_backtrace -> step:Sexp.t -> _

(** Build an err payload from the supplied message and data and raise it as a
{!exception:Vcs.E} exception. *)
val raise_s : string -> Sexp.t -> _

module Private : sig
(** [try_with f] runs [f] and wraps any exception it raises into an
{!type:Err.t} error. Because this catches all exceptions, including
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16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions lib/vcs/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ let%expect_test "set invalid rev" =
~ref_kind:(Local_branch { branch_name = Vcs.Branch_name.v "main" })
require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> set_ref_r1 ());
[%expect {| ("Rev not found" 5cd237e9598b11065c344d1eb33bc8c15cd237e9) |}];
[%expect {| (Vcs.E ("Rev not found" 5cd237e9598b11065c344d1eb33bc8c15cd237e9)) |}];
Vcs.Graph.add_nodes graph ~log:[ Root { rev = r1 } ];
set_ref_r1 ();
print_s [%sexp (Vcs.Graph.refs graph : Vcs.Refs.t)];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,16 +696,18 @@ let%expect_test "debug graph" =
require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> get_node_exn 5);
("Node index out of bounds" (
(index 5)
(node_count 5)))
(Vcs.E (
"Node index out of bounds" (
(index 5)
(node_count 5))))
require_does_raise [%here] (fun () -> get_node_exn (-1));
("Node index out of bounds" (
(index -1)
(node_count 5)))
(Vcs.E (
"Node index out of bounds" (
(index -1)
(node_count 5))))
27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions lib/vcs_command/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,9 +39,12 @@ let find_enclosing_repo_root vcs ~from =
match Vcs.find_enclosing_repo_root vcs ~from ~store:[ Fsegment.dot_git, `Git ] with
| Some (`Git, repo_root) -> repo_root
| None ->
"Failed to locate enclosing repo root from directory"
[%sexp { from : Absolute_path.t }]
"Failed to locate enclosing repo root from directory"
, { from : Absolute_path.t }]))

let initialize ~env =
Expand All @@ -57,7 +60,9 @@ let relativize ~repo_root ~cwd ~path =
Absolute_path.chop_prefix path ~prefix:(repo_root |> Vcs.Repo_root.to_absolute_path)
| Some relative_path -> Vcs.Path_in_repo.of_relative_path relative_path
| None -> Vcs.Exn.raise_s "Path is not in repo" [%sexp { path : Absolute_path.t }]
| None ->
(Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.create_s [%sexp "Path is not in repo", { path : Absolute_path.t }]))

let add_cmd =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,13 +468,10 @@ let branch_revision_cmd =
| Some ref -> ref.rev
| None ->
(* This line is covered in tests, but we need to disable coverage
reporting here. The reason is that bisect_ppx inserts an unvisitable
coverage point at the out-edge of this raising call, which would
otherwise result in a false negative in our test coverage. *)
"Branch not found"
[%sexp { branch_name : Vcs.Branch_name.t }] [@coverage off]
[%sexp "Branch not found", { branch_name : Vcs.Branch_name.t }]))
print_sexp [%sexp (rev : Vcs.Rev.t)];
Expand All @@ -492,7 +494,8 @@ let greatest_common_ancestors_cmd = revs ~f:(fun rev ->
match Vcs.Graph.find_rev graph ~rev with
| Some node -> node
| None -> Vcs.Exn.raise_s "Rev not found" [%sexp { rev : Vcs.Rev.t }])
| None ->
raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.create_s [%sexp "Rev not found", { rev : Vcs.Rev.t }])))
let gca =
Vcs.Graph.greatest_common_ancestors graph nodes
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31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions lib/vcs_git_provider/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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open! Import

let parse_log_line_exn ~line:str : Vcs.Log.Line.t =
match String.split (String.strip str) ~on:' ' with
| [ rev ] -> Root { rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev }
| [ rev; parent ] -> Commit { rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev; parent = Vcs.Rev.v parent }
| [ rev; parent1; parent2 ] ->
{ rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev; parent1 = Vcs.Rev.v parent1; parent2 = Vcs.Rev.v parent2 }
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> raise_s [%sexp "Invalid log line", (str : string)]
Vcs.Exn.Private.try_with (fun () ->
match String.split (String.strip str) ~on:' ' with
| [ rev ] -> Vcs.Log.Line.Root { rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev }
| [ rev; parent ] -> Commit { rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev; parent = Vcs.Rev.v parent }
| [ rev; parent1; parent2 ] ->
{ rev = Vcs.Rev.v rev
; parent1 = Vcs.Rev.v parent1
; parent2 = Vcs.Rev.v parent2
| [] -> assert false
| _ :: _ :: _ :: _ ->
raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Too many words (expected 1, 2, or 3)")))
| Ok t -> t
| Error err ->
[%sexp "Vcs_git_provider.Log.parse_log_line_exn", { line = (str : string) }]))

module Make (Runtime : Runtime.S) = struct
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46 changes: 24 additions & 22 deletions lib/vcs_git_provider/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,27 +38,29 @@ include T
let arrow = lazy (String.Search_pattern.create " => ")

let parse_exn str =
match String.Search_pattern.split_on (force arrow) str with
| [ str ] -> One_file (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v str)
| [ left; right ] ->
(match String.rsplit2 left ~on:'{' with
| None ->
Two_files { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v left; dst = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v right }
| Some (prefix, left_of_arrow) ->
let right_of_arrow, suffix = String.lsplit2_exn right ~on:'}' in
{ src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v (prefix ^ left_of_arrow ^ suffix)
; dst = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v (prefix ^ right_of_arrow ^ suffix)
| _ :: _ :: _ -> raise_s [%sexp "Too many '=>'"] [@coverage off]
| [] -> assert false
Vcs.Exn.Private.try_with (fun () ->
match String.Search_pattern.split_on (force arrow) str with
| [ str ] -> One_file (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v str)
| [ left; right ] ->
(match String.rsplit2 left ~on:'{' with
| None ->
Two_files { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v left; dst = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v right }
| Some (prefix, left_of_arrow) ->
let right_of_arrow, suffix = String.lsplit2_exn right ~on:'}' in
{ src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v (prefix ^ left_of_arrow ^ suffix)
; dst = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v (prefix ^ right_of_arrow ^ suffix)
| _ :: _ :: _ -> raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Too many '=>'"))
| [] -> assert false)
| exn ->
, "invalid path"
, (str : string)
, (exn : Exn.t)]
| Ok t -> t
| Error err ->
[%sexp "Vcs_git_provider.Munged_path.parse_exn", { path = (str : string) }]))
62 changes: 37 additions & 25 deletions lib/vcs_git_provider/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Diff_status = struct

let parse_exn str : t =
if String.is_empty str
then raise_s [%sexp "Unexpected empty diff status"] [@coverage off];
then raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Unexpected empty diff status"));
match str.[0] with
| 'A' -> `A
| 'D' -> `D
Expand All @@ -64,30 +64,42 @@ module Diff_status = struct

let parse_line_exn ~line : Vcs.Name_status.Change.t =
match String.split line ~on:'\t' with
| [] -> assert false
| [ _ ] -> raise_s [%sexp "Unexpected output from git status", (line : string)]
| status :: path :: rest ->
(match Diff_status.parse_exn status with
| `A -> Added (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| `D -> Removed (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| `M -> Modified (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| (`R | `C) as diff_status ->
let similarity =
String.sub status ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length status - 1) |> Int.of_string
let path2 =
match List.hd rest with
| Some hd -> Vcs.Path_in_repo.v hd
| None ->
[%sexp "Unexpected output from git status", (line : string)] [@coverage off]
(match diff_status with
| `R -> Renamed { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path; dst = path2; similarity }
| `C -> Copied { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path; dst = path2; similarity })
| other ->
raise_s [%sexp "Unexpected status", (status : string), (other : Diff_status.t)])
Vcs.Exn.Private.try_with (fun () ->
match String.split line ~on:'\t' with
| [] -> assert false
| [ _ ] -> raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Unexpected output from git status"))
| status :: path :: rest ->
(match Diff_status.parse_exn status with
| `A -> Vcs.Name_status.Change.Added (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| `D -> Removed (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| `M -> Modified (Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path)
| (`R | `C) as diff_status ->
let similarity =
String.sub status ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length status - 1) |> Int.of_string
let path2 =
match List.hd rest with
| Some hd -> Vcs.Path_in_repo.v hd
| None ->
raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Unexpected output from git status"))
(match diff_status with
| `R -> Renamed { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path; dst = path2; similarity }
| `C -> Copied { src = Vcs.Path_in_repo.v path; dst = path2; similarity })
| other ->
[%sexp "Unexpected status", (status : string), (other : Diff_status.t)]))))
| Ok t -> t
| Error err ->
~step:[%sexp "Vcs_git_provider.Name_status.parse_line_exn", { line : string }]))

let parse_lines_exn ~lines = lines ~f:(fun line -> parse_line_exn ~line)
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46 changes: 29 additions & 17 deletions lib/vcs_git_provider/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,23 +44,35 @@ module Status_code = struct

let parse_line_exn ~line : Vcs.Num_status.Change.t =
match String.split line ~on:'\t' with
| [] -> assert false
| [ _ ] | [ _; _ ] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ ->
raise_s [%sexp "Unexpected output from git diff", (line : string)]
| [ insertions; deletions; munged_path ] ->
{ Vcs.Num_status.Change.key = Munged_path.parse_exn munged_path
; num_stat =
(match Status_code.parse insertions, Status_code.parse deletions with
| Dash, Dash -> Binary_file
| Num insertions, Num deletions -> Num_lines_in_diff { insertions; deletions }
| insertions, deletions ->
"Unexpected output from git diff"
, { line : string; insertions : Status_code.t; deletions : Status_code.t }]
[@coverage off])
Vcs.Exn.Private.try_with (fun () ->
match String.split line ~on:'\t' with
| [] -> assert false
| [ _ ] | [ _; _ ] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ :: _ ->
raise (Vcs.E (Vcs.Err.error_string "Unexpected output from git diff"))
| [ insertions; deletions; munged_path ] ->
{ Vcs.Num_status.Change.key = Munged_path.parse_exn munged_path
; num_stat =
(match Status_code.parse insertions, Status_code.parse deletions with
| Dash, Dash -> Binary_file
| Num insertions, Num deletions ->
Num_lines_in_diff { insertions; deletions }
| insertions, deletions ->
"Unexpected output from git diff"
, { insertions : Status_code.t; deletions : Status_code.t }])))
| Ok t -> t
| Error err ->
~step:[%sexp "Vcs_git_provider.Num_status.parse_line_exn", { line : string }]))

let parse_lines_exn ~lines = lines ~f:(fun line -> parse_line_exn ~line)
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