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Deep learning (DL) approaches use various processing layers to learn hierarchical representations of data. Recently, many methods and designs of natural language processing (NLP) models have shown significant development, especially in text mining and analysis. For learning vector-space representations of text, there are famous models like Word2…


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Security Intelligence on Exchanged Multimedia Messages Based on Deep Learning

Introduction (English)

Deep learning (DL) approaches use various processing layers to learn hierarchical representations of data. Recently, many methods and designs of natural language processing (NLP) models have shown significant development, especially in text mining and analysis. For learning vector-space representations of text, there are famous models like Word2vec, GloVe, and fastText. In fact, NLP took a big step forward when BERT and recently GTP-3 came out. Deep Learning algorithms are unable to deal with textual data in their natural language data form which is typically unstructured information; they require special representation of data as inputs instead. Usually, natural language text data needs to be converted into internal representations form that DL algorithms can read such as feature vectors, hence the necessity to use representation learning models. These models have shown a big leap during the last years. Their set ranges from the methods that embed words into distributed representations and use the language modeling objective to adjust them as model parameters (like Word2vec, fastText, and GloVe), to recently transfer learning models (like ELMo, BERT, ULMFiT, XLNet, and GPT-2). These last use larger corpora, more parameters, more computing resources, and instead of assigning each word with a fixed vector, they use multilayer neural networks to calculate dynamic representations for the words according to their context, which is especially useful for the words with multiple meanings.

Introduction (Francais)

Le traitement automatique du langage naturel (NLP=Natural Language Processing) vise à convertir le langage humain en une représentation formelle en utilisant différentes techniques de calcul. Ce domaine progresse rapidement en raison de l'intérêt croissant pour les communications homme-machine, de la grande quantité de données textuelles stockées sur le Web, des puissants systèmes informatiques et des algorithmes améliorés. En effet, les algorithmes et architectures d'apprentissage en profondeur (DL=Deep Learning) ont fait des progrès remarquables ces dernières années dans les domaines de l'analyse de texte, cependant il nécessite une représentation spéciale des données en tant qu'entrées. À cet égard, les modèles d'apprentissage de la représentation du langage ont fait un grand saut au cours des dernières années, allant de méthodes qui incorporent les mots dans des représentations distribuées et utilisent l'objectif de modélisation du langage pour les ajuster en tant que paramètres de modèle comme Word2vec, GloVe, et fastText, à l'apparition de modèles d'apprentissage par transfert comme BERT, ELMo, ULMFiT, GPT-2 et XLNet qui utilisent des corpus plus grands, plus de paramètres, plus de ressources informatiques, et au lieu d’affecter à chaque mot un vecteur fixe, ils utilisent des réseaux de neurones multicouches pour calculer les représentations dynamiques des mots en fonction de leur contexte.

Language Representation Learning Models

One of the important tasks in NLP is the learning of vector representations of text, as deep learning algorithms require representing their input entries in a vector format.

Neural Word Embeddings

- Word2vec is an unsupervised learning algorithm that consists of a group of related models used for word embeddings generation. It is based on three-layer neural networks and seeks to learn the vector representations of words composing a text, so that words that share similar contexts are represented by close digital vectors. Word2Vec has two neural architectures, called Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) and Skip-Gram. CBOW receives as input the context of a word, i.e., the terms surrounding it in a sentence, and tries to predict the word in question. Skip-Gram does exactly the opposite: it takes a word as input and tries to predict its context.

- fastText is a Facebook's AI library for efficient learning of sentences classification and word embeddings. It supports multiprocessing during training and allows to create an unsupervised or supervised learning algorithm to obtain vector representations of words and sentences. fastText uses a neural network for word embeddings and supports training continuous bag of words (CBOW) or skip-gram model. It can be used as an initializer for transfer learning.

- Glove is an unsupervised learning algorithm to obtain word vector representations. This is accomplished by mapping words in a meaningful space where the distance between words is related to semantic resemblance. Training is performed using an underlying count-based model on the aggregated global word to word co-occurrence matrix within a text corpus, and the subsequent representations display interesting linear substructures in the word vector space. It combines the features of two sets of models, namely the local context window approaches and the global matrix factorization.

Transfer Learning Techniques

- ELMo (Embeddings from Language Models) is a pre-trained biLSTM (bidirectional LSTM) language model. Word embeddings is calculated by taking a weighted score of the hidden states from each layer of the LSTM. Weights are learned with downstream model parameters for a particular task, but LSTM layers are kept constant. Thus, the same word under different contexts can have different word vectors.

- BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is another language representation learning model that uses an attention transformers mechanism to learn the contextual relations between words in a text instead of bidirectional LSTMs to encode context which shows that pre-training transformer networks on a masked language modeling objective leads to even better performance by precisely adjusting the transformer weights over a wide range of NLP tasks.

- RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) is an optimized model resulting from analysis of Google's BERT training model and the identification of several changes to the training procedure that enhance its performance by Facebook AI and the University of Washington researchers. Specifically, these researchers used a novel and bigger dataset for training, trained the model over far more epochs, and removed the next sequence prediction training objective.

- ALBERT (A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations) is a “Lite” version of BERT, this model architecture includes two parameter-reduction methods: cross-layer parameter sharing and factorized embeddings parameterization. Furthermore, the proposed method contains a self-supervised loss for the sentence-order prediction.

- ULMFiT (Universal Language Model Fine-Tuning for Text Classification) is a transfer learning method that can be applied to NLP. It uses a regular 3-layer LSTM architecture for either pre-training and fine-tuning tasks. ULMFiT consists of three steps: General-domain language model (LM) pertaining (pertaining language model on a large general-domain corpus), target task LM fine-tuning (the LM fine-tuned on the data of the target task), and the target task classifier fine-tuning (fine-tuning the classifier).

- XLNet is a generalized autoregressive (AR) pertaining method that uses the context word to predict the next word which is constrained to a unidirectional context, either backward or forward. Although, XLNet learns from bidirectional context using Permutation Language Modeling. It also influences the best of both AR language modeling and autoencoders while avoiding their limitations.

- GPT-2 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 2 - successor of GPT) follows the OpenAI GPT model with a few architecture modifications. It consists of a big transformer-based language model with 1.5 billion parameters, trained with the objective of the prediction of the next word, given all previous words in a text. And unlike the previous models that require pre-training and fine-tuning, there is no fine-tuning step for GPT-2.


Dataset used in experiments was combined from CARER-Emotion, DailyDialog, CrowdFlower, and Isear to create a rich dataset with 5 labels: anger (5k sentences), joy (26k sentences), sad (13k sentences), fear (3.6k sentences), and neutral (94k sentences). The used texts consist of tweets, dialog utterances, and short messages as shown in the table bellow.

Dataset Year Content Number of sentences Emotion categories
CARER – Emotion 2018 Tweets 20k Anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, and trust
DailyDialog 2017 Dialogues 102k Neutral, joy, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, and fear
CrowdFlower 2016 Tweets 40k Empty, sadness, enthusiasm, neutral, worry, surprise, love, fun, hate, happiness, boredom, relief, anger
Isear 1994 Emotion situations 7.5k Joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, guilt


Algorithm Valid. Accu. Valid. Loss Precision Recall F1-score Training Time             Number of parameters
Word2vec 0.8452 0.4178 0.8410 0.8453 0.8391 Step: 63 ms
Epoch: 222s
Total: 2472s
Trainable: 440 581
Non-Trainable: 11 060 100
fastText 0.8212 0.4908 0.8167 0.8223 0.8128 Step: 88 ms
Epoch: 311
Total: 1567
Trainable: 4 613
Non-Trainable: 8 640 128
Glove 0.8391 0.4412 0.8362 0.8388 0.8297 Step: 245 ms
Epoch: 869s
Total: 3576s
Trainable: 527 369
Non-Trainable: 0
ELMo 0.8152 0.4810 0.8041 0.8102 0.8064 Step: 7 ms
Epoch: 844s
Total: 3576s
Trainable: 527 369
Non-Trainable: 0
BERT 0.8612 0.3551 0.8589 0.8612 0.8596 Step: 787 ms
Epoch: 247 min
Total: 495 min
Trainable: 109 361 669
Non-Trainable: 0
RoBERTa 0.8622 0.3629 0.8574 0.8533 0.8548 Step: 609 ms
Epoch: 192 min
Total: 579 min
Trainable: 125 240 069
Non-Trainable: 00
ALBERT 0.8558 0.3845 0.8514 0.8537 0.8468 Step: 595 ms
Epoch: 188 min
Total: 567 min
Trainable: 11 687 429
Non-Trainable: 0
ULMFiT 0.8509 0.4315 0.8472 0.8509 0.8476 Step: -
Epoch: 192s
Total: 1920s
Trainable: 62 805
Non-Trainable: 0
XLNet 0.8574 0.3697 0.8562 0.8583 0.8564 Step: 1s
Epoch: 430 min
Total: 1293 min
Trainable: 117 312 773
Non-Trainable: 0
GPT-2 0.8591 0.3796 0.8559 0.8591 0.8549 Batch: 67 ms
Epoch: 18 min
Total: 73 min
Trainable: 124 439 808
Non-Trainable: 0

Discussion (English)

In this work, we show the application of deep learning-based language representation learning models for the classification of 5 sentiment types based on a combined dataset. We notice that transfer learning approaches reach the best average results using the training and validation data in fewer epochs than word embeddings ones, because it benefits from other base models’ knowledge. Nevertheless, it takes more time to train, due to the huge number of parameters used. Among these transfer learning approaches, we conclude that the best one is BERT algorithm because it reaches the best results in almost all our metrics, with 35.51% as validation loss, 85.89% as precision, 86.12% as recall, and 85.96% as F1-score in 495 min (2 epochs). For the accuracy, RoBERTa model has the best accuracy, with 86.22% in 579 min (3 epochs). On the other hand, transformer-based techniques reach their best result in more time (more than one hour to be trained) compared to the other models.

By examining these results, it is clear that BERT model performed the best results compared to the other methods, since it takes everything into account, in order to predict the true meaning of sentences. This means that transfer learning algorithms can achieve better classification results and learn additional correlations, but in terms of computation time, it consumes more because more parameters are needed as shown in Table 3. In fact, most DL architectures use similar computational elements; therefore, it is a convention to use the number of parameters as a stand-in for complexity, although those networks may have the same number of parameters but require different numbers of operations (ALBERT for example is configured to share all parameters including feed-forward network and attention parameters across layers).

Despite all efforts, our models tend to overfit. In fact, models trained on text data are subject to overfitting due to the use of OOV (Out of Vocabulary) token in NLP-based models. OOV is used to handle unseen words. There is a high chance of unseen words in NLP models, and overfitting occurs when the model is trained heavily on the training data but cannot generalize well to unseen data. Those unseen words generate a scenario where the model is strongly tuned to the training set. Hence, we stop at the epoch when each algorithm begins to over-fit.

Discussion (Francais)

Dans ce travail, nous montrons l'application de modèles d'apprentissage de la représentation linguistique basés sur l'apprentissage profond pour la classification de 5 types de sentiments en utilisant un ensemble de données combiné. Nous avons observé que les approches d'apprentissage par transfert atteignent les meilleurs résultats en utilisant les données d’entrainement et de validation et avec moins d'époques que celles par intégration de mots, car elles bénéficient des connaissances d’autres modèles, mais il leurs faut plus de temps pour s'entraîner en raison du très grand nombre de paramètres.

Parmi ces approches d'apprentissage par transfert, nous avons constater que le meilleur est l'algorithme BERT car il atteint les meilleurs résultats dans presque toutes nos métriques, avec 35,51% de perte, 85,89% d’exactitude, 86,12% de rappel et 85,96% de F1-score en 495 min (2 époques). Pour la précision, le modèle RoBERTa est le meilleur, avec 86,22% en 579 min (3 époques). En revanche, les techniques basées sur les Transformer atteignent leur meilleur résultat mais en plus de temps (plus d'une heure pour s’entrainer) par rapport aux autres modèles.

Le modèle BERT a donné des meilleurs résultats par rapport aux autres méthodes, car il prend tout en compte, afin de prédire le vrai sens des phrases. Cela signifie que les algorithmes d'apprentissage par transfert peuvent obtenir de meilleurs résultats de classification en apprenant des corrélations supplémentaires. Mais en temps de calcul, ils consomment plus parce que plus de paramètres sont nécessaires. En fait, la plupart des architectures DL utilisent des éléments de calcul similaires, par conséquent, on peut utiliser le nombre de paramètres comme substitut de la complexité, bien que ces réseaux puissent avoir le même nombre de paramètres mais nécessitent des nombres d'opérations différents.

Extended Security Analysis on Exchanged Multimedia Messages

Sentiment analysis is sensibly influencing artificial intelligence development and it is widely used in a variety of applications, including human-machine interaction, automatic driving, security intelligence, and so on. Criminals, terrorists, and individuals used to exchange messages on the Internet in different formats (text, audio, image, or video) to reach their goals, recruit members, and disseminate their intentions, in order to commit an illegal act or cause harm or loss to others.

People generate a large amount of multimodal data with rich sentiment information every day using communication tools or social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Text format is an important mode of communication in our daily lives; it expresses feelings through words, phrases, and relationships. With the introduction of transfer learning models like BERT, text sentiment analysis has made significant progress in recent years.

Although, textual information remains limited, especially when reporting about feelings. In some cases, judging accurately emotions based on text information alone could be difficult. It is why the textual modality is frequently accompanied by its complementary, the audio modality. Sentiment information can also be found in the audio modality but is much more difficult to handle (due to noise, confusion, and unpredictability) than simple text data. It is distinguished by changes in voice qualities such as pitch, energy, vocal effort, loudness, and other frequency-related measurements. The relation between text and audio modalities can provide even more comprehensive information and capture more emotional characteristics.

Moreover, monitoring social media exchanged communications has traditionally required security officers to visually detect the presence of security threats (such as the presence of weapons) by observing exchanged images and video messages on social media websites and making quick judgments based on them. One of the most effective ways to overcome the limitations of manual analysis is to process the exchanged images or video streams using deep learning object detection algorithms to automate threat detection. Naturally, videos are sequences of images. This is what we are looking forward by this research proposal.

The majority of state-of-the-art image classification systems employ different types of deep learning approaches, CNN-based object detection systems have been applied to a variety of image processing applications recently. That is why there is a high demand for building efficient CNN architectures capable of predicting crimes. Several architectures are both computationally efficient and accurate: the R-CNN Family, SSD, and YOLO.

Citation and more info

Please cite the following paper when you can:

Veuillez citer l'article suivant lorsque vous le pouvez :

    author = {Boukabous, Mohammed and Azizi, Mostafa},
    doi = {10.11591/ijeecs.v22.i2.pp1032-1040},
    journal = {IAES Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJ-EECS)},
    keywords = {BERT,Deep Learning,GPT-2,Natural Language Processing,Representation Models,Sentiment Analysis},
    number = {2},
    pages = {1032--1040},
    title = {{A Comparative Study of DL-Based Language Representation Learning Models}},
    volume = {22},
    year = {2021}


Deep learning (DL) approaches use various processing layers to learn hierarchical representations of data. Recently, many methods and designs of natural language processing (NLP) models have shown significant development, especially in text mining and analysis. For learning vector-space representations of text, there are famous models like Word2…








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