Stud2NC is a WebCrawler to download files from StudIp ( and upload them to a Nextcloud instance (via WebDav)
I created this script to fetch my homework assignments, scripts, lecture information, etc. from Stud.IP during my time at university. I disliked the mobile interface and that it always required a internet connection. Also, I wanted to have my files on my phone and my laptop at the same time.
I used to run this script every 15 minutes on a VPS. It also supports Stud.IP-announcements. A nice thing about it is, that it keeps the changelog of announcements. Lecturers usually tended to delete them after some time. Since I'm no longer attending university I decided to polish the source code a little and publish it on GitHub.
Install all modules listed in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then pack all files into one zip-archive
cd src
zip ../ ./*
cd ..
python3 [args]
and (the configured) config.yaml
to a VPS and configure a
crontab (crontab -e
*/15 * * * * python3
The easiest way to fetch files, is to just download them to a local directory. However, this method does not check if the file has already been downloaded before. Therefore, this is useful if you just want to fetch a module with all files & announcements and save it to your disk.
Enter the url and login credentials to the config.yaml to avoid passing everything as command-line args.
python3 -d filesystem -o [ModuleName] -s [link]
Configuration can be done via command-line, config-file or environment-variables. For example passwords can be injected via the environment whereas the folder configuration should be set in a config file.
The config.yaml
in this project can be used as a template.
It is heavily commented. Replace all the credentials and
specify the required modules.
By creating a pull request you accept that the code is licenced under the conditions specified in the LICENSE.txt file.
One thing I never really fixed, is when files get edited, but don't change their file-id. Stud2NC won't resync them. When a file has changed the edit-date differs from the creation-date. This makes it possible to check for edited files. Feel free to create a pull request.