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Windows build HOWTO
Download MinGW installer here:
and install both MinGW and MSYS in the default path proposed by the installer.
When asked, remember to install the c++ compiler.
Get latest Qt prebuilt for MinGW32 here:
and install them in C:\Qt
Make sure your environment variables are set as follows:
QMAKESPEC = win32-g++
QTDIR = C:\Qt\4.8.5
PATH = ....;C:\Qt\4.8.5\bin;C:\Qt\4.8.5;C:\MinGW\bin
If you wish to get the latest released QLC+ version:
If you wish to get the very latest bleeding edge (but only if your intention is to do development or are just curious):
git clone git://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus.git
This will create a directory called qlcplus which will contain the latest sources from GIT repository. After you have made the initial clone and later wish to keep living on the bleeding egde, you can just update the sources (instead of making a new checkout each time):
cd qlcplus
git pull
Download pkg-config prebuilt binaries and install them in the MinGW tree
I used this: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/pkg-config_0.26-1_win32.zip
Download glib devel libraries needed by pkg-config: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/glib/
I used this: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/glib/2.24/glib_2.24.0-2_win32.zip
Download from this URL: http://lrn.no-ip.info/other/mingw/mingw32/
the -ming32-dev version of the fftw3 package and extract it in the MinGW tree.
Download from this URL: http://lrn.no-ip.info/other/mingw/mingw32/
the -ming32-dev version of the following packages and extract them in the MinGW tree:
- libmad
- libsndfile
- flac
- libogg
- libvorbis
To compile the DMX USB plugin on Windows, you need to:
Download the latest SDK from FTDI Driver page.
Install the package contents for example to C:\Qt\CDM20828
Edit /plugins/dmxusb/src/src.pro to point to that directory:
FTD2XXDIR = C:\Qt\CDM20828
If you don't need the DMX USB plugin and would like to disable building it completely, edit /plugins/plugins.pro and put a hash (#) on the line that says SUBDIRS += dmxusb:
#SUBDIRS += dmxusb
To compile the Velleman Output plugin on Windows, you need to:
Download the modified Velleman SDK
Unpack the zip to C:\Qt\K8062D
Not applicable yet: If you don't need the Velleman Output plugin and would like to disable building it completely, edit /plugins/plugins.pro and put a hash (#) on the line that says SUBDIRS += velleman:
#SUBDIRS += velleman
Note: if you don't need the OSC support just comment SUBDIRS += osc
in plugins/plugins.pro and skip this section.
Download the latest SVN snapshot of liblo from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/liblo/
Compile libLO by doing:
./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=/mingw
make install
Now you need to manually patch libLO pkg-config file to avoid build issues. Edit the file liblo.pc that you can find in your MinGW installation path /lib/pkgconfig folder. (usually C:\MinGW\lib\pkgconfig)
Change the line starting with "Libs:" into:
Libs: -L${libdir} -llo -lpthread -lws2_32 -liphlpapi
Now compile QLC+ (I use Windows PowerShell to do so):
make install
Now to launch QLC+ the dependency libraries are needed as DLLs files.
Download from this URL: http://lrn.no-ip.info/other/mingw/mingw32/
the -mingw32-dll version of the following packages and copy them in the main QLC+ folder:
- libFLAC-8.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- libmad-0.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- libogg-0.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- libsndfile-1.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- libstdc++-6.dll (optional for OSC support)
- libvorbis-0.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- libvorbisenc-2.dll (optional - see Audio support)
- pthreadGC2.dll (optional for OSC support)
For FFTW the correct DLL (32 bit version) must be downloaded from here: http://www.fftw.org/install/windows.html
If the plugins folder will contain ".a" binaries, rename them to ".dll" to let QLC+ load them.