Script for mounting volumes on Checkm8 vulnerable iOS devices via Ramdisk
More info - A tool that mounts the internal storage of a T2 machine as a volume. Particularly useful when that machine is inoperable or not functioning due to bad graphics or processor (provided the boards faults aren't shorting out lines that power the FLASH or the T2 co-processor). This is similar to the approach that Apple ASP repair centers take prior to repair attempts on a malfunctining logic board. This tool allows a standard user the ability to functionally perform a data transfer setup diagnostic on a T8012 capable device.
MACOS ONLY - Don't ask for Windows support This is not a finished tool and is very much so a work in progress.
- T8012 T2 devices.
- Python3 and Python2 (installed with a normal python3 instillation)
- Python dependencies the script uses are installed automatically if not available when the script loads. You may veiw them in the requirements.txt file.
- Valid python system root certificate - May be generated by Install Certificates.command at "/Applications/Python 3.x on Mac"
E.G './ -i iBridge2,5 6.1 --amfi'
Ontrack Data Transfer Setup - A tool for signing and loading firmware images that allow us to ramdisk and mount the volume on T2 Mac devices. Written by Martin, @hotshotmc.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --ios iOS version you wish to boot (DEVICE IOS)
-q, --ipsw Path to downloaded IPSW (PATH DEVICE)
-b, --bootlogo Path to .PNG you wish to use as a custom Boot Logo (LOGO)
-p, --pwn Enter PWNDFU mode, which will also apply signature patches
--amfi Apply AMFI patches to kernel (Beta)
--debug Send verbose boot log to serial for debugging
-d, --dualboot Name of system partition you wish to boot (e.g disk0s1s3 or disk0s1s6)
-a, --bootargs Custom boot-args, will prompt user to enter, don't enter a value upon running ODTS (Default is '-v')
-v, --version List the version of the tool
-c, --credits List credits
-f, --fix Fix img4tool/irecovery related issues
EXAMPLE USAGE: ./ -i iBridge2,5 6.1 --amfi
- cd into the ODTS directory
- Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Connect your device in DFU mode to your computer
- Run ODTS with your desiered options - E.G 'python3 -i iBridge2,5 6.1'
- If all worked correctly device should mount as a volume once the Ramdisk is pushed to it, this can be accessed in diskutility in MacOS
- Enjoy!
After a fresh or new install of python the system root certificate is not generated by default. Tmhis may generate an error indicating that python is unable to find the system certificates. It is sometimes necessary to install the system root certificate by running a file called "Install Certificates.command" in your pythons root install directory ("/Applications/Python 3.x on Mac" ). This will generate a system certificate and get passed errors that may be stemming from not having a valid system root certificate.
[Me] HotshotMC -
[Matty] (moski)
Thimstar - img4tool, tsschecker, iBoot64Patcher
akayn - A11 sigcheckremover support
realnp - ibootim
Merculous - ios-python-tools ( for keys)
0x7ff - Eclipsa
libimobiledevice team - irecovery
Ralph0045 - dtree_patcher/Kernel64Patcher
mcg29_ - amfi patching stuff