there's currently no pub-package, so you'll have to build it yourself Current version: 0.0.1 (somewhat early alpha)
This library is heavily influenced by dilame's instagram-private-api. The basic structure is very similar to it.
Future<void> main() async {
/// get username and password from the environment-variables
final env = Platform.environment;
final username = env['IG_USERNAME'];
final password = env['IG_PASSWORD'];
final StateStorage storage = /* create the storage */;
final InstaClient ig = InstaClient();
/// this will ensure, the state is saved after each request
ResponseInterceptor(ig, (json) => storage.saveState(jsonEncode(json))));
if (!await storage.exists()) {
/// generate default values for the state
await storage.createState();
await ig.account.login(username, password);
} else {
/// load the state, and you're good to go
ig.state = InstaState.fromJson(jsonDecode(await storage.loadState()));
print('logged in!');
/// An example state-storage
mixin StateStorage {
FutureOr<bool> exists();
FutureOr<void> createState();
FutureOr<String> loadState();
FutureOr<void> saveState(String encodedState);