McLib 2.4.1
This update was made by @Chryfi, exceptions are mentioned at the respective items.
- Added right click to abort dragging of trackpad element
- Added French translation (thanks to COOL TNT)
- Added config option to render the respective colours of the translation fields
- Added ValueSerializer class for automated serialization using Value classes
- Added GuiCollapseSection
- Added IconContainer to nest icons into a fixed sized container
- Added MathUtils method to filter flips of 360 degrees in a rotation
- Added OptifineHelper class
- Added ForgeUtils class
- Added RenderingUtils class
- Change McLib command to work with singleplayer too
- Added rendering code for inverting rotation and scale to a utility method
- Rollback mclib ModHelper to fix issues
- Fixed NPE crash in keybinds editor (by MiaoNLI)
- Rewrite Value classes to use generics and improve design (compatibility breaking)