Releases: mcneilco/acas
Major New Features
- None
Minor New Features
- ACAS-271: Preserve file naming in SDF bulk loader by @bffrost and @brianbolt in #1014 & #1017 & #1020
- ACAS-466: heart beat monitor in ui by @brianbolt in #1016
- ACAS-460 LsThingBrowser use flat advanced search results, fix hiding/showing of messages by @brianbolt in #1010
- ACAS-387: CmpdReg Standardization: Add reasons for standardization needed by @brianbolt in #1028 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#387 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#390 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#392
- ACAS-498: Add Writeup field to CReg analytical files by @bffrost in #1031 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#393 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#393
- ACAS-515: Add permissions to projects with special ACAS_ONLY_ACL_GROUP_ProjectX formatted name by @brianbolt in #1036 & #1045
- ACAS-525: Aggregate some dose respone warnings, high priority experiment reload warning by @brianbolt in #1046
- ACAS-499: Add more default Analytical File types by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#398
Performance Improvements
- ACAS-488: Fix download of SDFs from large CmpdReg Standardization runs by @brianbolt in #1026 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#380
- ACAS-486, ACAS-483, ACAS-481: Improved performance of executing standardization by @brianbolt in #1027 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#377 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#375 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#378 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#381
- ACAS-476: Improved performance of filling in missing structures when migrating to BBCHem by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#373
- ACAS-471: Large improvement to SDF download performance in Bulk Loader by @hhan-schrodinger in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#388
- ACAS-504: Large performance improvement in SDF uploads on BBChem CReg by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#395 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#396 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#397
Bug fixes
- ACAS-482 Fix Lot permissions related to registeredBy user by @brianbolt in #1022 & #1038
- ACAS-446: Add more descriptive error message when user attempts to delete Stereo Category and Vendors with dependencies by @dalejerikson in #1015 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#376
- ACAS-469: Fix backwards compability with older maestro sketcher versions which used sketcherExportMolBlock by @brianbolt in #1029
- ACAS-487: Bug Fix: Duplicate Parent Alias Errors Don't Bubble Up To UI by @dalejerikson in #1034
- ACAS-420: Fix confusing error when user does not have project access to protocol by @dalejerikson in #1035
- ACAS-391: Bug Fix: Open in Livedesign Button Broken in Curve Curator by @dalejerikson in #1037
- ACAS 524: Fix SEL "Next" button being off the screen to the right by @bffrost in #1043
- ACAS-526: Fix issue where parent compound cannot be deleted after a restandardization run by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#404
- ACAS-496 Fix "Salts are not filled in bbchem_salt_structure tables if there are duplicates present" by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#384
- ACAS-494 Fix "Fill missing structures is attempting to fill salt_forms with empty mol structures" by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#382
- ACAS-495 Fix "Fill missing structures is not updating salt_form structures" by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#383
- ACAS-489: Fix aliases not loaded when new lot of compounds gets registered in bulk loader by @dalejerikson in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#391 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#402
- ACAS-470: Fixed CReg bulk loader download broken links by @hhan-schrodinger in #1018
- ACAS-502: Fix "Max Auto Lot Number config does not get considered for bulk loaded lots" by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#389
- ACAS-523: Skip throwing duplicate alias exceptions for aliases on the same parent by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#401
Full Changelog: 2022.1.1...2022.4.2
Major New Features
Minor New Features
- ACAS-321: Add bulk download button to Experiment Browser by @hhan-schrodinger in #977
- ACAS-394: SSO login map group attributes to ACAS roles by @brianbolt in #984
Bug fixes
- ACAS-426: Open url utility function which workaround safari pop up blocker by @brianbolt in #994
- ACAS-427: add uri encoding for datafiles urls by @bffrost in #996
- ACAS-424: Fix Open In LiveDesign button on Experiment Editor by @bffrost in #995
- ACAS-449: Inf numeric values uploaded to experiment loader should produce and error by @brianbolt in #1008
- ACAS-461: Change default server.service.projects.restrictExperiments to true by @brianbolt in #1012
- ACAS-296: Change CReg default configs to increment lot number from lowest possible index by @brianbolt in #1011
Full Changelog: 2022.1.0...2022.1.1
Major New Features
- Delete lot feature in UI and API (ACAS-49) by @brianbolt in #959 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#340 & mcneilco/acasclient#70
- Reparent Lot workflow in UI and API (ACAS-216) by @brianbolt in #974 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#344 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#350 & mcneilco/acasclient#78 & mcneilco/racas#75
- Enhanced Dose Response validation in Simple Experiment Loader, including curve previews by @brianbolt in #952 & #989 & mcneilco/racas#76
Minor New Features
- ACAS-330: Improved "Open In" button UX by @dalejerikson in #964 & #978 & #972
- API to swap parent structures by @iamanandkr in #969 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#342 & mcneilco/acasclient#72 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#351 & mcneilco/acasclient#83
- Added file links to Purge Files page before purging files by @hhan-schrodinger in #962 & #971
- Add bulk load file download that dumps current state, not just original by @hhan-schrodinger in #970 & #986 & mcneilco/acas-roo-server#343
Bug fixes
- ACAS-350: Set version information via ACAS_ environment variables by @brianbolt in #968
- ACAS-346 SSO and direct login redirect clean up by @brianbolt in #966 & #979 & #981 & #982 & mcneilco/acasclient#82
- Logout redirect to base path by @brianbolt in #980
- Fix issue with scoping button between deleteLot and metalot by @brianbolt in #983
- Remove window. from class definitions by @brianbolt in #987
- Catch no original structure found when running dry run standardization by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#348
- Fix mangling of JSON strings in clobValues in SEL by @bffrost in mcneilco/racas#74 & mcneilco/acasclient#77 & mcneilco/acasclient#81
- Extend timeout for BBChem web service calls by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#346
- Fix flaky performance test by @bffrost in mcneilco/acasclient#81
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- ACAS-328 shift endpoint behind /api so it does not require new proxy settings by @bffrost in #957
- Quick Fix: Alignment of Copy Link Button w/ URL Box of Generate Link Feature by @dalejerikson in #958
- Don't disable standardization if dry run changes is < 1 by @brianbolt in #960
- Fix logout, redirect issue and saml syncing issue by @brianbolt in #963
- ACAS w/BBChem not producing standardized structures by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#341
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- output verbose output when running acasclient tests during GitHub Actions builds by @brianbolt in #936
- Add psql to ACAS container by @brianbolt in #940
- Repointed all routes using cmpdreg web controller routes at new acas/api/v1 routes by @brianbolt in #938
- Make CReg enforce globally unique parent aliases by @brianbolt in #945
- Allow SEL upload w/ parent alias values within lot corp name by @brianbolt in #943
- Secure and expose Author and Role management APIs by @bffrost in #946
- 1.13.7 by @brianbolt in #948
- ACAS-35: Fix SEL issue caused by file containing duplicate result type with different data types by @bffrost in #949
- ACAS-84: Update the "Project" field in "Protocol Editor". by @iamanandkr in #953
- ACAS-98: Make sdf loader case-insensitive by @bffrost in #951
- I missed pushing a commit in the recent ACAS-98 work. by @bffrost in #954
- Dose response curve validation by @brianbolt in #952
- Enhance Open in LD UX Experience by @dalejerikson in #947
- get meta lot and post meta lot acls server side checks by @brianbolt in #956
- ACAS-328 shift endpoint behind /api so it does not require new proxy settings by @bffrost in #957
- Quick Fix: Alignment of Copy Link Button w/ URL Box of Generate Link Feature by @dalejerikson in #958
- Don't disable standardization if dry run changes is < 1 by @brianbolt in #960
New Contributors
- @iamanandkr made their first contribution in #953
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- ACAS-280: Fix missing units on Dose Response plot axes by @bffrost in mcneilco/racas#68
- Modify log dose 0 points to one log lower than lowest concentration when log scale by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#71
- Config reading fix and more robust curve plot flag handling by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#70
- Fix message when excel file cannot be read by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#72
Full Changelog: mcneilco/racas@
What's Changed
- Replace cmpdreg web controllers with api controllers by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#309
- Remove roo interface by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#311
- Remove roo as a dependency by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#312
- Organize all imports, format and remove unused roo generated api methods by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#314
- Brianbolt/issue315 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#316
- HQL fixes by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#318
- Switch to org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#320
- Update spring and hibernate Brianbolt/issue300 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#302
- Make CReg enforce globally unique parent aliases by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#324
- Allow SEL upload w/ parent alias values within lot corp name by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#322
- Update default stereo categories on new systems by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#326
- ACAS-98: Make SDF bulk loader case insensitive by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#327
- Return bulk load file id by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#333
- ACAS-255: Make CReg SDF Bulk Load report.log file human readable by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#331
- Set modified date when running logical delete of experiment by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#334
- ACAS-316 add maven build caching by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#335
- Dale minor fixes sprint9 by @dalejerikson in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#332
- Add charset=utf-8 to all json responses by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#336
- ACAS-327: Add catch for null property value by @bffrost in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#338
- Refactor BulkReg and Standardization loops to use batched transactions or transactional single loops by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#339
Full Changelog: mcneilco/acas-roo-server@
What's Changed
- Convert ModuleMenusConfiguration into a config by @brianbolt in #925
- Add max auto lot number, fix radio button selection on label by @brianbolt in #927
- ACAS_ environment variable overrides Brianbolt/issue928 by @brianbolt in #929
- Maintain order when adding environment variable overrides by @brianbolt in #932
- CodeTable Admin module refactor and "searchOnLoad" feature by @bffrost in #934
- Curve rendering of mixed ACAS fit and uploaded parameters failing by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#65
- Parsing CSVs with non uniform commas gives erroneous errors by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#66
Full Changelog:
No acas-roo-server changes
What's Changed
- Open Experiment in LiveDesign button should only add columns found in that experiment by @bffrost in #903
- Open Experiment in LiveDesign button should only add columns found in that experiment by @bffrost in #904
- Open in LiveDesign button should retry if DI is still loading data by @bffrost in #906
- Open in Live Design button is broken on K8s by @brianbolt in #913
- Add ability to set listen address in acas and acas api by @brianbolt in #911
- Escape html by @brianbolt in #916
- Disallowed file extensions and datafiles CSP Brianbolt/issue918 by @brianbolt in #923
- Add back $listen.address attribute to acas-roo-server by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#296
- Bump tomcat to 9.0.62 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#304
- Switching to 62 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#305
Full Changelog:
No racas changes
What's Changed
- Docker build roo throws unable to convert uid/gid chown string to host mapping by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#294
Full Changelog:
No acas changes
No racas changes
What's Changed
- Brianbolt/issue867 by @brianbolt in #868
- Brianbolt/issue871 by @brianbolt in #872
- Multiarch builds - acas by @brianbolt in #870
- Release/1.13.7 multi arch by @brianbolt in #873
- Brianbolt/issue874 by @brianbolt in #875
- Brianbolt/issue491-simple by @brianbolt in #878
- Brianbolt/issue879 by @brianbolt in #880
- Brianbolt/issue881 by @brianbolt in #882
- New SSO users fail to auto-create by @brianbolt in #886
- Brianbolt/issue883 by @brianbolt in #884
- Barcode not saved properly in Creg single loader UI by @brianbolt in #891
- Brianbolt/issue887 by @brianbolt in #888
- Scope ACASThingBrowserController HTML changes to only current element by @bffrost in #893
- /api/about route to self report version information Fixes #894 by @brianbolt in #895
- Additional Assay Scientist and Compound scientists fail on all invalid characters by @brianbolt in #899
- Run acasclient tests on build by @brianbolt in #897
- Validation error messages don't show up in CodeTableAdmin modules by @brianbolt in #901
- Brianbolt/issue283 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#284
- Brianbolt/issue285 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#286
- Multiarch builds - acas-roo-server by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#282
- Release/1.13.7 multi arch by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#287
- Brianbolt/issue288 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#289
- CmpdReg bulkloader should require amount amount units and barcode when any one of them is provided by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#292
- Mutiarch builds - racas by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#60
- Release/1.13.7 multi arch by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#61
- Round residual standard errors to 4 sig figs by @brianbolt in mcneilco/racas#63
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Update acas-roo-server and acas to use centos stream8 by @brianbolt in #864
- Brianbolt/issue285 by @brianbolt in mcneilco/acas-roo-server#286
Full Changelog:
No racas changes