This is the code to support a talk I gave at the conference.
There is also an accompanying blog post
Link to slides
Vagrant is used to test our infrastructure on a dev machine.
- Simple Vagrantfile using Ubuntu 14.04 base with chef provisioning
To get a local Jenkins with test app and passing tests you need Vagrant and Chef installed on your machine, then simply run:
cd packer
berks vendor cookbooks
vagrant up
Use berks vendor cookbooks
to install dependencies
- Jenkins Cookbook
- Docker Cookbook
- Zero To Tested Cookbook (the cookbook we have created)
- require java
- add jenkins official apt repo (otherwise we get Jenkins 2 from default repos by default and Chef doesn't yet support it)
- start docker
- add jenkins user to docker group
- use jenkins cookbook to install our job dsl seed job xml
- install required jenkins plugins (git, ansicolor, postbuildscript, cucumber reports)
- Preferred to Job Builder as it's suuported by Jenkins core team and still relevant in Jenkins 2.0
- Seed job will trigger apply of jobs via Job DSL plugin
- Simple Groovy DSL for configuring Jobs
- Great plugin support
You will need to export you aws credentials in this format:
export TF_VAR_secret_key="YOURSECRETKEY"
export TF_VAR_access_key="YOURACCESSKEY"
- Bake an AMI that looks like our Vagrant VM
- Use base AMI (official Ubuntu cloud image)
packer build jenkins-packer.json
creates AMI and registers in AWS account
You will need to export you aws credentials in this format (omit this step if you have already done this for Packer):
export TF_VAR_secret_key="YOURSECRETKEY"
export TF_VAR_access_key="YOURACCESSKEY"
- Builds out infrastructure
- Saves using CloudFormation
- Gives us a VPC
- Single instance - uses ami build using Packer
- Security Groups
- Could easily switch to Jenkins master/agent configuration with autoscaling agents
terraform apply
- takes us from empty ec2 account to fully functioning Jenkins with working jobs
- Dependencies - see Gemfile
- Cucumber for BDD
- Capybara as driver agnostic dsl
- Site Prism for page objects
- RSpec for assertions
- RackTest for headless non JS driver (could use Mechanize for remote http)
- PhantomJS (via Poltergeist) for headless JS driver
- Small Sinatra Demo App
- Runs with Puma Server
- Page Objects
- Unit tests for Page Objects
- Static Analysis
- Wait Strategies
- Logging
- Screenshots and HTML source dropped on failure
- Start and stop application under test