A small command line tool (CLI) for backdooring Minecraft plugins
This is a simple CLI to assist you in infecting plugins with Qlutch :)
Watch the infection tutorial to learn how to infect plugins manually. As of V1 this tool can completely automate the proccess of infecting a plugin, see here.
You can open an issue here for bugs or feature requests, and you can get also get support with this CLI by joining the Kaddon Discord here
Install NodeJS and Git. Then run this command in command prompt.
$ npm i -g infectplugin
After it has been installed, you can use infect --help
- Some plugins simply do not build within the CLI, if you think it's taking a bit long, try to execute the build command it logs in the directory provided to you, this may show useful information in order to fix your issue. Other times, it could just not easily work with Infect, causing you to have to infect that said plugin manually.