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This repo was archived by the Apollo Security team on 2023-05-26

Please reach out at [email protected] with questions


A tool for triaging GitHub issues.

Dev setup

You can just run it with Meteor run... but you really want a GitHub access token so that you can make 5000 API queries/hr instead of 60. And if you want immediate updates, you have to set up webhooks too.

GitHub access token

Go to and create a "personal access token" with NO SCOPES (ie, UNCHECK ALL THE SCOPE BOXES). That will give you a hex string which is your access token. Put it in the $GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable when running Meteor locally. Note that GitHub will only give you this token once; it's your job to remember it (or make a new one).

GitHub webhook setup

First, you'll want to expose your local Meteor app to the internet (exciting!)

Download and install ngrok from

Run it as ngrok 3000: this will create a tunnel from a subdomain of to your localhost:3000, and print the link. (You may want to make sure you have a dark background for your terminal.)

Now set up a webhook that points to this URL. Go to and click "Add webhook".

  • Set the payload URL to"
  • Keep Content type as application/json
  • Set the secret to a random string (eg openssl rand -hex 20), which you should also set in $GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET when you run it (this part is optional for local dev, but a good idea since otherwise anyone on the internet can send you webhooks and insert random stuff into your database)
  • "Let me select individual events", and choose three events: Issues, Issue Comment, and Pull request
  • "Add webhook"

Production setup

Uses a Compose (formerly MongoHQ) MongoDB 2.6 installation, so that we get 2.6 and oplog access. Log in to with the username/password in LastPass (under mongohq). It's the githubble deployment. I created a database called githubble, deleted the default user, and created another user in it with a random password.

I generated a random string for the webhook secret and a personal access token (for glasser) for the token.

The token, secret, and Mongo URLs are in a settings.json in LastPass (we use settings instead of environment variables). So you don't need to specify --settings on every deploy.

Note that the oplog URL needs to be on the local database (ie the URL path is local) and specify &authSource=githubble (ie it gets its authentication from the main githubble database).

Note also that githubble now runs on Galaxy under the mdg account. settings.json can be found in Dropbox, at the date of writing at /galaxy-prod/keys/Githubble.


GitHub issue organizer






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