✨ Author: Rahimuddin ✨
✨ Live: https://open-web-components-todo-app.netlify.app/ ✨
When we define
as property (static get properties) then it LitElement creates something likeSet
for that property so that it observes what changes have been made to that property. It's like state in React. -
We need to follow immutable patterns while modifying arrays or objects so that LitElement would know that a new array or object has bee created.
Like react we can pass props here using
For example,<todo-list .todos="${this.todos}"></todo-list>
To pass an event we can use
. For example
@click=${() => this._removeTodo(todo)}
@change=${e => this._changeTodoFinished(e, todo)}
We can create separate modules and import those into the parent component using
For events we can create custom events and dispatch them. For example,
_addTodo() {
const input = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('addTodoInput');
const text = input.value;
input.value = '';
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('add-todo', { detail: text }));