This is a very early prototype of the VIC dashboard, built on Go. It has been tested against Go-1.6.2, but should run on any current version of Go.
Prerequisites: In order to run this, you must have a OAuth2 token from Github. This can either be set as an environment variable, VIC_DASHBOARD_TOKEN, or it can be stored in a file and specified with the --tokenfile parameter. The options available are:
--user=<user> The github user to pull bugs from. Default="vmware"
--repo=<repo> The github repo to pull bugs from. Default="vic"
--port=<port> The (local) port to listen to. Default=8888
--tokenfile=<file> Filename containing OAuth2 token. No default
The application will pull all issues from the vmware/vic repository and display them on a web page at http://localhost:port
This is very much a work in progress.