This is a template repository for starting new Astro projects.
The following setup is already configured within astro-base:
- Astro (v 4.11.0 as of current publishing of this repo)
- @astrojs/sitemap--this has also been configured in the config file
- @astrojs/tailwind
- @astrojs/vercel (note--uninstall and add correct host package if necessary)
- @fontsource:
- fontsource-variable/inter (a sans-serif font that is very pleasing for web pages)
- lilita-one (A display style font--bold, sans-serif)
- righteous (a display style font--very retro '80s themed)
- astro-icon (access icons using the component built for astro)
- tailwindcss--this has also been configured in the tailwind config and in global.css
- typescript
- eslint, including:
- eslintrc
- eslint/js
- typescript-eslint
- typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- typescript-eslint/parser
- eslint-config-prettier
- prettier, including:
- prettier-plugin-astro
- prettier-plugin-astro-organize-imports
- prettier-plugin-organize-attributes
- prettier-plugin-packagejson
- prettier-plugin-sort-imports
- prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
The project is currently configured to use Yarn. Make sure you switch it to your preferred package manager and update package.json, delete yarn.lock, .yarn folder, etc.
Pull the repository to your local system. Then run:
yarn install
Use yarn dev
to start the development server. Use yarn build
to build the application.
Make sure the page loads (localhost:4321).
Make sure the project builds.