A place to experiment with an interface for self-service sous-chef.
flow.py * this defines the code that runs in prefect- including sous-chef setup and runtime.
prefect.yaml * this defines how flow.py is deployed into prefect.
souschef_client.py * this defines an interface to interact with that flow once it is deployed, and other details about the prefect environment
api.py * a fastapi wrapper around souschef_client
buffet.py * This is a streamlit application that makes it super easy to provide query parameters for a sous-chef flow and to run them. * streamlit's syncronicity requirements are kind of a bummer though- and the final version of this will be a lightweight vue.js app * leaning on api.py
app.py * A flask app (with vue frontend in buffet_app) to try and run the rest of the distance that buffet.py can't quite fill