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Releases: mediocregopher/goat

Fix goat not working with older versions of git

17 Dec 16:48
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Older git versions use -r instead of --remote for the branch command. This release makes goat use that option instead, so it won't fail for older systems.

Fix symlinks, include release version in help

16 Nov 03:45
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Previously goat would create a loopback symlink inside of the .goat folder which pointed back at the project root. This was originally done by symlinking to the absolute path, but now points at the relative path. This fixes cases where projects are moved to different directories, copied to other machines, or shared across machines using a network share (NFS and the like).

In addition, the release version number is now displayed in goats help output at the bottom of the message

Fix goget type to behave properly

24 Aug 14:24
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There was a typo in the code, now if type is specified to be goget it will properly fetch the dependency (thanks @tummychow !)

Update yaml dependency

16 Aug 02:48
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Merged in PR from @tummychow to update the version of the yaml library we were using to be the latest and greatest!

Better error handling when cloning, and less output

03 Jun 19:58
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Thanks to cole and jolly for this release! Making goat handle errors in git/hg interaction better, and making the output during that process much less verbose. Also, making goat

  • Errors are handled better (read: at all) during git/hg interaction
  • Less verbose output when fetching dependencies
  • Properly handling git branches

Goat v1.0.0

13 Dec 15:56
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V1 encompasses a tested, production usage ready version of goat. It has breaking changes from v0.4.0. The changelog is as follows:

  • Goatfile is now .go.yaml and uses yaml instead of json
  • lib, the folder generated by goat to place dependencies in, is now .goat/deps, allowing more room for expansion in the future
  • The reference field in dependencies is now just ref

Goat 0.4.0

30 Aug 18:28
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Addition of the loopback to enable absolute paths when importing, as well as new Goatfile syntax.

Goat 0.4.0 (beta)

24 Aug 21:08
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Goat 0.4.0 (beta) Pre-release

This is a beta release of version 0.4.0. If all goes well this will be upgraded to a full release. The big change here is the addition of the loopback, which makes it possible to use your own project's full path in its import statements to itself. This is important if you're going to be using the project as a library and it will be imported by goat into other projects.

Mercurial support and new build process

15 Aug 18:18
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Goat now has support for direct mercurial dependencies (as opposed to those managed through go get). The type is hg and the default reference is tip. In addition there's a new build process with a lot more build targets.

Add GOAT_ACTUALGO environment variable support

14 Aug 16:59
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You can now set the environment variable GOAT_ACTUALGO and goat will use that instead of the return from env as the path to the real go binary. Useful if you've renamed your goat binary to go and placed it on your path to avoid an infinite loop.