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Releases: medizininformatik-initiative/mii-process-data-transfer - Fix for Updates of Transferred Data-Sets

18 Feb 15:39
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Release of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets: mii-process-data-transfer-

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Bugs fixed:

  • FHIR-search for DocumentReferences of previously transferred data-sets at a DMS is now only based on the project identifier and filtering for author identifiers now takes place as part of the implementation

Issues closed:

  • Existing data-sets of different organizations are overwritten with a new version due to an error when searching for DocumentReference by author #40

This release contains contributions @wetret, @alexanderkiel, @juliangruendner and @hhund. - Non-Conditional Updates of Transferred Data-Sets

08 Nov 16:04
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Release of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets.

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Features include:

  • Error messages were adapted to be consistent with the data-sharing process.
  • The DocumentReference with metadata of a transferred data-set will now be updated if data is transferred more than once for the same project.
  • Requester and recipient of a data-transfer can now be the same organization, therefore supporting organization internal data-transfer via DSF.
  • Support of application/x-ndjson mime type check using Apache Tiki.
  • Updated dependencies where applicable.

Issues closed:

  • Harmonize Error Messages with Data-Sharing Process #14
  • Support non-conditional update of DocumentReferences and Transfered data #24
  • Improve Handling where an Organization is DIC and DMS in one DUP #26
  • Update dependencies #30

This release contains contributions @wetret, @schwzr, @juliangruendner and @hhund. - OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow Support

01 Aug 11:08
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Release of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets.

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Features include:

  • Support of OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow for authentication against a FHIR store.
  • The DIC FHIR store client can now use the DSF BPE default proxy configuration for the FHIR store client. The specific proxy configuration of the process can still be used and has precedence over the DSF BPE default proxy.
  • Updated dependencies where possible.

Bugs fixed:

  • Releasing a new version of the process publishes a new package using GitHub actions.
  • Configuring the OAuth2TokenClient without a truststore path leaded to a NPE.

Issues closed:

  • Use Default BPE Proxy Configuration for FHIR Store Client #5
  • Releasing a new version does not trigger maven deployment in GitHub action #13
  • Add OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow Support #16
  • Update dependencies #18
  • NPE if OAuth2TokenClient is not configured from truststore path #21

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund. - Maintenance Release

11 Jun 08:35
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Release of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets.

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Features include:

  • A static code analysis maven plugin was added and detected issues were resolved where possible and applicable.
  • The maven clean plugin now deletes all version of the process from the test setup.
  • Github workflows were updated to only run once in pull requests.
  • Dependencies were updated where possible and applicable.

Issues closed:

  • Static Code analysis, Github Workflows and Clean Plugin #8
  • Upgrade Dependencies #10

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund. - Upgrade to DSF 1.x

14 Dec 12:21
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Release of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-built jar file, see assets.

General remarks:

  • This release is compatible with the Data Sharing Framework version >= 1.0.0. This release does not work with DSF versions < 1.0.0.

Features include:

  • Extracts the MII data-transfer process plugin from the old mii-dsf-processes repository.
  • Upgrades the repository to the new process plugin api implemented via datasharingframework/dsf#26.
  • Updates versions in GitHub workflows.
  • DIC are now informed by the DMS via a message event whether the data-set could be successfully retrieved and stored.

Issues closed:

  • Upgrade to New Process Plugin API #1
  • Update Versions in Github Workflows #2
  • Send Receipt for Delivering DataSet #3

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund. - Second Release Candidate for Update to DSF 1.x

13 Sep 21:44
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Release candidate of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-build jar file, see assets.

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund. - First Release Candidate for Update to DSF 1.x

31 Aug 13:46
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Release candidate of the MII data-transfer process plugin used to transfer data-sets of an approved data usage project from a DIC to a DMS.

The documentation of the process including the description, the deployment and configuration guides as well as instructions on how to start a process instance can be found in the wiki. For a pre-build jar file, see assets.

This release contains contributions from @wetret and @hhund.