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Config process:

Create AWS account

Setup AWS credentials environment variables

Create amazon developer account

Install ask-cli globally

Call 'ask-cli init' to setup cli

cd into 'alexa-client'

Call 'ask api create-skill -f SKILLFILE[skill.json] -p PROFILE[default]' to initialize the skill project

Copy the skill url for later

Call 'ask api update-model -s SKILL_URL[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -f MODEL_FILES[./models/en-US.json] -l en-US -p PROFILE[default]' to load the model file into the skill

Call 'ask api get-skill-status -s SKILL_URL[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -p PROFILE[default]' to check the build status (the project cannot be run until the model is built)

cd into 'api'

Update the 'serverless.yml' file to listen for the skill url for events

Call 'serverless deploy' to deploy the lambda project

Call 'aws lambda get-function-configuration --function-name SERVERLESS_SERVICE_NAME[my-alexa-hackkit-api-dev-mySkill]' to get the ARN of the lambda service

Copy the ARN for later

cd back into 'alexa-client'

Update 'skill.json' to include the lambda ARN like so: { manifest: { apis: { custom: { endpoint: { uri: LAMBDA_ARN } } } } }

Call 'ask api update-skill -s SKILL_ID[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -f SKILL_FILE[../alexa-client/skill.json] -p PROFILE[default]' to update the skill with the new lambda endpoint

Call 'ask api enable-skill -s SKILL_ID[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -p PROFILE[default]' to enable the skill for testing

Call 'ask api simulate-skill -l en-US -s SKILL_ID[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -t SIMULATION_TEXT['open greeter'] -p PROFILE[default]' to test/simulate with some text

Copy the response id for later

Call 'ask api get-simulation -s SKILL_ID[amzn1.ask.skill.7bb3be41-90d1-4d35-a11e-7ae6810a3649] -i RESPONSE_ID[7625de32-8d83-46ed-896c-a5ade1753c5c] -p PROFILE[default]' to get the raw response text from the simulation

README Template


  • Setup an AWS Account
  • Setup an Amazon Developer Account

CLI Overview


  • Check if AWS credentials are stored in .aws credentials file or as environment variables
    • Throw security warning if credentials are stored in environment variables
  • If credentials cannot be found, create prompt to create AWS credentials file for user, given access key and secret key as input
  • Prompt user with amazon developer login
  • Store login credentials in template config file for later use in boilerplate commands


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