This is an sbt plugin that can generate project websites.
It is designed to work hand-in-hand with publishing plugins like sbt-ghpages.
Add this to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "0.7.1")
Note: this requires sbt 0.12 - for sbt 0.11 see the 0.4 version of this plugin.
And then in your build.sbt
Then, run make-site
to generate your project's webpage in the target/site
See the sbt-ghpages plugin for information about publishing to gh-pages. We expect other publishing mechanisms to be supported in the future.
The sbt-site plugin has specific "support" settings for the various supported ways
of generating a site. By default, all files under src/site
are included in the site.
You can add new generated content in one of the following ways:
Simply add to the site mappings. In your build.sbt
site.siteMappings <++= Seq(file1 -> "location.html", file2 -> "image.png")
Add the following line to your build.sbt
This will default to putting the scaladoc under the latest/api
directory on the
website. You can configure this by passing a parameter to the includeScaladoc method:
The site plugin has direct support for running jekyll locally. This is suprisingly
useful for suporting custom jekyll plugins that are not allowed when publishing to
github, or hosting a jekyll site on your own server. To add jekyll support, add the
following to your build.sbt
This assumes you have a jekyll project in the src/jekyll
TODO - Link to documentation site on usage and configuration.
One common issue with Jekyll is ensuring that everyone uses the same version for
generating a website. There is special support for ensuring the version of gems.
To do so, add the following to your build.sbt
file: := Map(
"jekyll" -> "0.11.2",
"liquid" -> "2.3.0"
The site plugin has direct support for building Sphinx projects locally. This assumes
you have a sphinx project under the src/sphinx
directory. To enable sphinx site
generation, simply add the following to your build.sbt
Note: Pamflet support was temporarily removed due to scala binary versioning issues. Once we can load pamflet via reflection, or it has a 2.10 compatible release, it will be re-enabled.
To change the source directory for static site files, use the siteSourceDirectory
siteSourceDirectory <<= target / "generated-stuff"
To preview your generated site, run preview-site
to open a web server. Direct your
web browser to http://localhost:4000/
to view your site.
TODO - Link to documentation site on usage and configuration.
To create a zip package of the site run package-site
To also publish this zip file when running publish
, add the following to your build.sbt