A final project for CPE327 Sortware Engineering Course, KMUTT, 1/21
This project targeting people who loves to pet. You can create a pet account to tell the daily story in a form of blog, also you can give a like and comment in every blog. To keep in touch with others' pet you loved, you can follow them and take a look at Feed to see updates from them, also you can unfollow them whenever you want.
We also have a Veterinary mode, user can verify and activate veterinary mode by uploaded graduated certificate from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at any university (Mockup System). Veterinarian can post a blog that provide knowledge, tips or tricks how to pet your animal perfectly. Any users can access these blogs right from Explore page.
Please note that this website currently unsupported responsive design. Try the demo on desktop only.
- Vue.js
- tailwind.css
- 🔥 Firebase (Authentication / Cloud Firestore / Cloud Storage)
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build