Dart implementation of Solana's JSON RPC API.
Android and iOS support.
Screenshot of solana_wallet_provider
- System Program
- Token Program
- Associated Token Program
- Stake Program
- Stake Pool Program
- Metaplex Token Metadata
- Memo Program
- Compute Budget Program
- ED25519 Program
- Address Lookup Table
- Signing Transactions.
- Sending Transactions.
- Signing Messages.
- Websocket Notification Subscriptions (e.g. Account changes).
- Keypair Generation.
- Borsh Serialization.
/// Imports
import 'package:solana_web3/solana_web3.dart' as web3;
import 'package:solana_web3/programs/system.dart';
/// Transfer tokens from one wallet to another.
void main(final List<String> _arguments) async {
// Create a connection to the devnet cluster.
final cluster = web3.Cluster.devnet;
final connection = web3.Connection(cluster);
print('Creating accounts...\n');
// Create a new wallet to transfer tokens from.
final wallet1 = web3.Keypair.generateSync();
final address1 = wallet1.pubkey;
// Create a new wallet to transfer tokens to.
final wallet2 = web3.Keypair.generateSync();
final address2 = wallet2.pubkey;
// Fund the sending wallet.
await connection.requestAndConfirmAirdrop(
// Check the account balances before making the transfer.
final balance = await connection.getBalance(wallet1.pubkey);
print('Account $address1 has an initial balance of $balance lamports.');
print('Account $address2 has an initial balance of 0 lamports.\n');
// Fetch the latest blockhash.
final BlockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight blockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
// Create a System Program instruction to transfer 0.5 SOL from [address1] to [address2].
final transaction = web3.Transaction.v0(
payer: wallet1.pubkey,
recentBlockhash: blockhash.blockhash,
instructions: [
fromPubkey: address1,
toPubkey: address2,
lamports: web3.solToLamports(0.5),
// Sign the transaction.
// Send the transaction to the cluster and wait for it to be confirmed.
print('Send and confirm transaction...\n');
await connection.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
// Check the updated account balances.
final wallet1balance = await connection.getBalance(wallet1.pubkey);
final wallet2balance = await connection.getBalance(wallet2.pubkey);
print('Account $address1 has an updated balance of $wallet1balance lamports.');
print('Account $address2 has an updated balance of $wallet2balance lamports.');
Report a bug by opening an issue.
Request a feature by raising a ticket.