Use release-drafter/release-drafter
GitHub Action to label our PRs
2 errors and 2 warnings
Invalid config file
Invalid config file
mermaid-js/mermaid: Invalid config file
name: 'event',
id: '6291760401',
_original: {
'name-template': '',
'tag-template': '',
'tag-prefix': '',
'change-template': '* $TITLE (#$NUMBER) @$AUTHOR',
'change-title-escapes': '',
'no-changes-template': '* No changes',
'version-template': '$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH',
'version-resolver': {
major: { labels: [] },
minor: { labels: [] },
patch: { labels: [] },
default: 'patch'
categories: [],
'exclude-labels': [],
'include-labels': [],
'include-paths': [],
'exclude-contributors': [],
'no-contributors-template': 'No contributors',
replacers: [],
autolabeler: [],
'sort-by': 'merged_at',
'sort-direction': 'descending',
prerelease: false,
'filter-by-commitish': false,
'include-pre-releases': false,
commitish: '',
'category-template': '## $TITLE',
header: '',
footer: '',
'Type: Bug / Error': [ 'bug/*', 'fix/*' ],
'Type: Enhancement': [ 'feature/*', 'feat/*' ],
'Type: Other': [ 'other/*', 'chore/*', 'test/*', 'refactor/*' ],
'Area: Documentation': [ 'docs/*' ]
details: [
message: '"template" is required',
path: [ 'template' ],
type: 'any.required',
context: { label: 'template', key: 'template' }
stack: 'ValidationError: "template" is required',
type: 'Error'
mermaid-js/mermaid: Invalid config file
name: 'event',
id: '6291760401',
_original: {
'name-template': '',
'tag-template': '',
'tag-prefix': '',
'change-template': '* $TITLE (#$NUMBER) @$AUTHOR',
'change-title-escapes': '',
'no-changes-template': '* No changes',
'version-template': '$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH',
'version-resolver': {
major: { labels: [] },
minor: { labels: [] },
patch: { labels: [] },
default: 'patch'
categories: [],
'exclude-labels': [],
'include-labels': [],
'include-paths': [],
'exclude-contributors': [],
'no-contributors-template': 'No contributors',
replacers: [],
autolabeler: [],
'sort-by': 'merged_at',
'sort-direction': 'descending',
prerelease: false,
'filter-by-commitish': false,
'include-pre-releases': false,
commitish: '',
'category-template': '## $TITLE',
header: '',
footer: '',
'Type: Bug / Error': [ 'bug/*', 'fix/*' ],
'Type: Enhancement': [ 'feature/*', 'feat/*' ],
'Type: Other': [ 'other/*', 'chore/*', 'test/*', 'refactor/*' ],
'Area: Documentation': [ 'docs/*' ]
details: [
message: '"template" is required',
path: [ 'template' ],
type: 'any.required',
context: { label: 'template', key: 'template' }
stack: 'ValidationError: "template" is required',
type: 'Error'