I created a hospital appointment and information system, it's initial level and it's basic but if you want learn new things, you repeat many times so i choose this method; when I learn something new, I'll share it with more people because the information is beautiful as you share it :)
- label
- textBox
- button
- MessageBox
- if/ else
- while
- KeyChar
- You must have SQL Server Management Studio if you don't have it, you should download.
- Then you must copy the SQL files (HastaneProje.mdf and HastaneProje_log.ldf) contained in the project folder into the Management Studio's data folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA). (it may change by Management Studio version)
- Then you must attach this files in the Management Studio.
- Then you must copy the connection.txt contained in the project folder into the C:\
- Lastly you should learn your server name (ex:DESKTOP-AAAAAA\SQLEXPRESS) and change the server name inside connection.txt
Patient Entry
Patient Registration
Patient Detail
Patient İnformation Update
Doctor Entry
Doctor Detail
Doctor Information Update
Secreter Entry
Secreter Detail
Doctor Panel
Branch Panel
List of Appointments
You can watch it here: https://bit.ly/hastaneproje