Standard crypto algorithm implement.
hasher := NewHasher(SHA3_512)
hash, _ := hasher.Hash([]byte(msg))
hashHex := hex.EncodeToString(hash)
aes := new(AES)
key := []byte("12345678123456781234567812345678")
c, _ := aes.Encrypt(key, []byte(msg))
o, _ := aes.Decrypt(key, c)
h, _ := hash.NewHasher(hash.KECCAK_256).Hash(msg)
priv, _ := GenerateKey(AlgoP256K1)
bytes, _ := priv.Bytes()
//r, s is encoded, then about 72bytes
sign, _ := priv.Sign(bytes, h)
pub, _ := priv.PublicKey()
b, err := pub.Verify(nil, sign, h)
The vast majority of flato's ecdsa check (non-guomi) actually uses the recovery method, which is called the 'recovery mode' of the check in this package. This method is more efficient. The main feature of using this kind of check in flato is that the public key is not provided during the verification, but the public key value is calculated by sign, then the address is calculated by the public key value, and the address is compared to complete the check.
Note: The use of this check in flato cannot use the above check method. If this is the case, please refer to the code below.
//Calculation signature
h, _ := hash.NewHasher(hash.KECCAK_256).Hash(msg)
//The effect of incoming AlgoP256K1 or AlgoP256K1Recover is the same here
priv, _ := GenerateKey(AlgoP256K1)
bytes, _ := priv.Bytes()
//r, s is encoded, then about 72bytes
sign, _ := priv.Sign(bytes, h)
//You may get an address from some way, but you can also calculate the address in this way here.
pub, _ := priv.PublicKey()
pubByte,_ := pub.Bytes()
temp,_ := hash.NewHasher(hash.KECCAK_256).Hash(pubByte)
address:= temp[12:]
//Here's how you can use the address, hash, and signature data to complete the check.
recoverPub := NewECDSAPublicKey().FromBytes(address, AlgoP256K1Recover)
b, err := recoverPub.Verify(nil, sign, h)
Instantiate Hasher
func NewHasher(hashType HashType) *Hasher
Computational hash
func (h *Hasher) Hash(msg []byte) (hash []byte, err error)
func (ea *AES) Encrypt(key, originMsg []byte, reader io.Reader) (encryptedMsg []byte, err error)
func (ea *AES) Decrypt(key, encryptedMsg []byte) (originMsg []byte, err error)
Generate key pair
func GenerateKey(opt int) (*ECDSAPrivateKey, error)
Generate signature
func (key *ECDSAPrivateKey) Sign(k, digest []byte, reader io.Reader) (signature []byte, err error)
Verification signature
func (key *ECDSAPublicKey) Verify(_ []byte, signature, digest []byte) (valid bool, err error)
Install mockgen : go get
How to use?
- source: Specify interface file
- destination: Generated file name
- package:The package name of the generated file
- imports: Dependent package that requires import
- aux_files: Attach a file when there is more than one file in the interface file
- build_flags: Parameters passed to the build tool
Eg.mockgen -destination mock/mock_crypto.go -package crypto -source crypto.go
Note: Please use command npm install
if you are the first time to use git cz
in this repo.
PRs are welcome!
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
crypto-standard is currently under Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.