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Handle quotes that preserve case
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crisptrutski committed May 24, 2024
1 parent ddba224 commit 6c6d798
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Showing 2 changed files with 74 additions and 32 deletions.
25 changes: 15 additions & 10 deletions src/macaw/collect.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,21 +42,26 @@

(def ^:private quotes (map str [\` \"]))

(defn- quoted? [s]
(some (fn [q]
(and (str/starts-with? s q)
(str/ends-with? s q)))

(defn- strip-quotes [s]
(or (some (fn [q]
(when (and (str/starts-with? s q)
(str/ends-with? s q))
(subs s 1 (dec (count s)))))
(subs s 1 (dec (count s))))

(defn normalize-reference
"Normalize a schema, table, column, etc references so that we can match them regardless of syntactic differences."
[s {:keys [case-insensitive?]}]
[s {:keys [case-insensitive? quotes-preserve-case?]}]
(when s
(cond-> s
case-insensitive? str/lower-case
true strip-quotes)))
(let [quoted (quoted? s)
case-insensitive (and case-insensitive?
(not (and quotes-preserve-case?
(cond-> s
quoted strip-quotes
case-insensitive str/lower-case))))

(defn- find-table [{:keys [alias->table name->table] :as opts} ^Table t]
(let [n (normalize-reference (.getName t) opts)
Expand Down
81 changes: 59 additions & 22 deletions test/macaw/core_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns ^:parallel macaw.core-test
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[macaw.core :as m]
[macaw.test.util :refer [ws=]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,21 +85,65 @@
(is (= #{{:column "x" :table "orders" :schema "public"}}
(columns "SELECT public.orders.x FROM public.orders, private.orders")))))

(def ^:private heavily-quoted-query
"SELECT raw, \"foo\", \"dong\".\"bar\", `ding`.`dong`.`fee` FROM `ding`.dong")

(def ^:private heavily-quoted-query-rewritten
"SELECT flaw, glue, long.lark, king.long.flee FROM king.long")

(def ^:private heavily-quoted-query-rewrites
{:schemas {"ding" "king"}
:tables {{:schema "ding" :table "dong"} "long"}
:columns {{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "raw"} "flaw"
{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "fee"} "flee"
{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "bar"} "lark"
{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "foo"} "glue"}})

(deftest quotes-test
(let [query "SELECT \"foo\", \"dong\".\"bar\", `ding`.`dong`.`fee` FROM `ding`.dong"]
(is (= #{{:column "bar", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}
{:column "foo", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}
{:column "fee", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}}
(columns query)))
(is (= #{{:table "dong", :schema "ding"}}
(tables query)))
(is (= "SELECT glue, long.lark, king.long.flee FROM king.long"
(m/replace-names query
{:schemas {"ding" "king"}
:tables {{:schema "ding" :table "dong"} "long"}
:columns {{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "fee"} "flee"
{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "bar"} "lark"
{:schema "ding" :table "dong" :column "foo"} "glue"}})))))
(is (= #{{:column "raw", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}
{:column "foo", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}
{:column "bar", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}
{:column "fee", :table "dong", :schema "ding"}}
(columns heavily-quoted-query)))
(is (= #{{:table "dong", :schema "ding"}}
(tables heavily-quoted-query)))
(is (= heavily-quoted-query-rewritten
(m/replace-names heavily-quoted-query heavily-quoted-query-rewrites))))

(deftest case-sensitive-test
(is (= "SELECT X.Y, X.y, x.Z, x.z FROM X LEFT JOIN x ON X.Y=x.Z"
(m/replace-names "SELECT a.b, a.B, A.b, A.B FROM a LEFT JOIN A ON a.b=A.b"
{:tables {{:table "a"} "X"
{:table "A"} "x"}
:columns {{:table "a" :column "b"} "Y"
{:table "a" :column "B"} "y"
{:table "A" :column "b"} "Z"
{:table "A" :column "B"} "z"}}))))

(deftest case-insensitive-test
;; In the future, we might try to be smarter and preserve case.
(is (= "SELECT cats.meow FROM cats"
(m/replace-names "SELECT DOGS.BaRk FROM dOGS"
{:tables {{:table "dogs"} "cats"}
:columns {{:table "dogs" :column "bark"} "meow"}}
:case-insensitive? true))))

(def ^:private heavily-quoted-query-mixed-case
"SELECT RAW, \"Foo\", \"dong\".\"bAr\", `ding`.`dong`.`feE` FROM `ding`.dong")

(deftest case-and-quotes-test
(testing "By default, quoted references are also case insensitive"
(is (= heavily-quoted-query-rewritten
(m/replace-names heavily-quoted-query-mixed-case
:case-insensitive? true))))
(testing "One can opt-into ignoring case only for unquoted references"
(is (thrown-with-msg? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
#"Unknown rename: .* \"(bar)|(foo)|(fee)\""
(m/replace-names heavily-quoted-query-mixed-case
:case-insensitive? true
:quotes-preserve-case? true)))))

(deftest infer-test
(testing "We can first column through a few hoops"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,14 +325,6 @@
(is (thrown? Exception #"Unknown rename"
(m/replace-names "SELECT 1" {:tables {{:schema "public" :table "a"} "aa"}}))))

(deftest case-insensitive-test
;; In future we might try to be smarter and preserve case.
(is (= "SELECT cats.meow FROM cats"
(m/replace-names "SELECT DOGS.BaRk FROM dOGS"
{:tables {{:table "dogs"} "cats"}
:columns {{:table "dogs" :column "bark"} "meow"}}
:case-insensitive? true))))

(deftest replace-schema-test
(is (= "SELECT totally_private.purchases.xx FROM totally_private.purchases, private.orders WHERE xx = 1"
(m/replace-names "SELECT public.orders.x FROM public.orders, private.orders WHERE x = 1"
Expand Down

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