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Helm Chart for qryn

This Helm chart provides Kubernetes deployment configurations for qryn a polyglot, lighweight, multi-standard observability framework for Logs, Metrics and Traces, designed to be drop-in compatible with Loki, Prometheus, Tempo and Opentelemetry.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.7+

Get Repository Info

helm repo add qryn-helm
helm repo update

See helm repository for command documentation.

Install Chart

To deploy qryn using this Helm chart, use the following command:

helm repo add qryn-helm
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] qryn-helm/qryn-helm --version 0.1.1

See helm install for command documentation.

For customization, you can provide a values.yaml file or use --set flags to override specific configurations during installation.

Feel free to modify the configurations based on your requirements and environment.

Global parameters

Parameter Value
kubernetesClusterDomain cluster.local

Common parameters

Parameter Value
nameOverride ""
fullnameOverride ""
imageCredentials {}
replicas 1
service.type ClusterIP
service.port 3100
podAnnotations {}
podLabels qryn
nodeSelector {}
tolerations []
affinity {}
resources.limits.cpu 200m
resources.limits.memory 256Mi
resources.requests.cpu 100m
resources.requests.memory 128Mi
autoscaling.enabled true
autoscaling.minReplicas 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas 5
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage 80
securityContext {}
ingress.enabled false
ingress.className ""
ingress.annotations {}
ingress.hosts []
ingress.tls []

Qryn image parameters

Environment Variable Default Usage
CLICKHOUSE_SERVER localhost Clickhouse Server address
CLICKHOUSE_PORT 8123 Clickhouse Server port
CLICKHOUSE_DB qryn Clickhouse Database Name
CLICKHOUSE_AUTH default: Clickhouse Authentication (user:password)
CLICKHOUSE_PROTO http Clickhouse Protocol (http, https)
CLICKHOUSE_TIMEFIELD record_datetime Clickhouse DateTime column for native queries
CLUSTER_NAME undefined Clickhouse Cluster name
BULK_MAXAGE 2000 Max Age for Bulk Inserts
BULK_MAXSIZE 5000 Max Size for Bulk Inserts
BULK_MAXCACHE 50000 Max Labels in Memory Cache
LABELS_DAYS 7 Max Days before Label rotation
SAMPLES_DAYS 7 Max Days before Timeseries rotation
QRYN_LOGIN undefined Basic HTTP Username
QRYN_PASSWORD undefined Basic HTTP Password
READONLY false Readonly Mode, no DB Init
OMIT_CREATE_TABLES false Omit database provisioning on startup. Dangerous.
FASTIFY_BODYLIMIT 5242880 API Maximum payload size in bytes
FASTIFY_REQUESTTIMEOUT 0 API Maximum Request Timeout in ms
FASTIFY_MAXREQUESTS 0 API Maximum Requests per socket
FASTIFY_METRICS false API /metrics exporter
ADVANCED_PROMETHEUS_MAX_SAMPLES 5000000 Max samples per a promql request
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN * CORS Allow Origin, default to any
TEMPO_SPAN 24 Default span for Tempo queries in hours
TEMPO_TAGTRACE false Optional tagging of TraceID (expensive)
DEBUG false Debug Mode (for backwards compatibility)
LOG_LEVEL info Log Level
HASH xxhash64 Hash function using for fingerprints. Currently supported short-hash and xxhash64 (xxhash64 function)
ALERTMAN_URL false Alertmanager API URL, i.e., http://my_alertmanager_url:1234
ADVANCED_SAMPLES_ORDERING timestamp_ns Specify the 'ORDER BY' your samples table should use (for multiple use comma-separated list fingerprint,timestamp_ns)

ENV Settings

For more information about qryn environment variables, visit qryn Environments.


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