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Long table

Kyle Baron edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 3 revisions

Long table

Special assistant to the CEO of pmtables INC

The pmtables package can create tables as single page tabular tables or longtable. This wiki entry describes how to make long table.

Making long table

For example, use the stable_long() function to create long table


data <- ptdata()

out <- stable_long(data, output_file = "example1.tex")

The result will be an object with classes stable_long and stable.

. $class
. [1] "stable_long" "stable"     
. $stable_file
. [1] "example1.tex"
. [1] "{\\normalsize"                                                                                                     
. [2] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"                                                                               
. [3] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "                                                                                    
. [4] "\\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0em}"                                                                                
. [5] "\\begin{longtable}{lllllllll}"                                                                                     
. [6] "\\endhead\n\\hline\n\\multicolumn{9}{r}{\\footnotesize{continued on next page}}\n\\endfoot\n\\hline\n\\endlastfoot"

Read the stable_long help file

Arguments for stable_long can be found with ?stable_long

Using pipeline

To make a long table using the pipe interface, add long = TRUE to st_make()

out <- 
  st_new(data) %>% 
  st_make(long = TRUE, output_file = "example2.tex")

. $class
. [1] "stable_long" "stable"     
. $stable_file
. [1] "example2.tex"

Sourcing a long table into your tex document

To source a long table into your TeX document, simply \input{} the file. Using the previous example (output file: example2.tex):


- Do not include any \caption{...} statement; the caption must be provided in a special way
- Do not warp the input in \begin{table} / \end{table}; the table will not show up properly that way

How to include a caption in your long table

Method 1: in the R script

stable_long() has an argument called lt_cap_text that will allow you to provide the text for the caption. This text must be passed to the stable_long() call (or st_make())

out <- stable_long(data, lt_cap_text = "A long table (example 3)")

You can see in the TeX code that a caption is included in the longtable environemt.

head(out, n = 10)
.  [1] "{\\normalsize"                                                                                                     
.  [2] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"                                                                               
.  [3] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "                                                                                    
.  [4] "\\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0em}"                                                                                
.  [5] "\\begin{longtable}{lllllllll}"                                                                                     
.  [6] "\\endhead\n\\hline\n\\multicolumn{9}{r}{\\footnotesize{continued on next page}}\n\\endfoot\n\\hline\n\\endlastfoot"
.  [7] "\\caption{A long table (example 3)} \\\\"                                                                          
.  [8] "\\hline"                                                                                                           
.  [9] "STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\\\"                                                        
. [10] "\\endfirsthead"

Method 2: as a TeX macro

Rather than passing the text for the caption, you can name a macro that should (will) be defined at the time the table is rendered in the TeX document.

Use the lt_cap_macro argument:

out <- stable_long(data, lt_cap_macro = "ltexfourcap", output_file = "example4.tex")

Now, there is a call to that macro in the table

head(out, n = 10)
.  [1] "{\\normalsize"                                                                                                     
.  [2] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"                                                                               
.  [3] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "                                                                                    
.  [4] "\\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0em}"                                                                                
.  [5] "\\begin{longtable}{lllllllll}"                                                                                     
.  [6] "\\endhead\n\\hline\n\\multicolumn{9}{r}{\\footnotesize{continued on next page}}\n\\endfoot\n\\hline\n\\endlastfoot"
.  [7] "\\caption{\\ltexfourcap} \\\\"                                                                                     
.  [8] "\\hline"                                                                                                           
.  [9] "STUDY & DOSE & FORM & N & WT & CRCL & AGE & ALB & SCR \\\\"                                                        
. [10] "\\endfirsthead"

and you must define that macro prior to sourcing in your tex document

  Another long table - example 4  


Add a label

To add a label, pass in a caption (either as text or as a macro) and then use the lt_cap_label argument:

data %>% 
  stable_long(lt_cap_label = "tab:example", lt_cap_macro = "example") %>% 
  head(n = 7)
. [1] "{\\normalsize"                                                                                                     
. [2] "\\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.3}"                                                                               
. [3] "\\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{5pt} "                                                                                    
. [4] "\\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0em}"                                                                                
. [5] "\\begin{longtable}{lllllllll}"                                                                                     
. [6] "\\endhead\n\\hline\n\\multicolumn{9}{r}{\\footnotesize{continued on next page}}\n\\endfoot\n\\hline\n\\endlastfoot"
. [7] "\\caption{\\example \\label{tab:example}} \\\\"

Wrapping a table in an Rmd document

If you want to dump a table into an R markdown document, pass it to st_asis(). There is a method for stable_long() and it will wrap the table properly.

You won’t see the result here, but look at ?st_asis for details.

out <- stable_long(data) %>% st_asis()