This is a basic implementation of full stack web developer test.
Full requirements are available at
Your goal is to finish this project:
- Create fork of this repository (private).
- Implement missing functionality (check "what's left to implement" section).
- Commit your changes.
- Create pull request to original repository.
- Registration, authentication of users.
- Database structure and importing of currency rates.
- Page showing currency rates for last available date.
- Paging.
- Base currency selection.
- Nominal calculation and display.
- Min/max/average rate.
- History of currency rate.
- History chart.
- Unit tests.
Please spend no more that 4 hours on this test.
Implementing functionality with native Laravel/Vue instruments will be valued greater than using 3rd-party packages (paging, charts, etc.).
# Clone repository.
cp .env.example .env
# Set database connection in ".env" file.
# Obtain API key at and insert it into `.env` file via APILAYER_API_KEY variable.
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan currency:import
npm install
npm run dev
php artisan serve
# Go to http://localhost:8000/