Make good building instructions with the Lego Digital Designer (LDD)
This python script evaluates the group system created by means of LDD in order to enforce a sensible order of building instruction steps.
The way to create building instructions is essentially
- create groups in LDD be deconstrcucting the model sequentially
- put the parts added last into the first group created
- the second-to last into the second etc.
- same order goes for subgroups
- a tutorial can be found here:
- [save your file as lxfml] <- no longer necessary
- run the script like so:
python2 infile.lxf outfile.lxf
- import the outfile.lxf into LDD
- look at the very sensible building instructions
Some hints: - Each part must be in one and only in one group! - the first part is now verified by the script, an error is given if non-grouped parts exist. There is little information as to which parts these are, however - The second part is actually enforced by LDD! - Do not create an all-over container group! Otherwise the resulting BIs will consist of a single step and LDD will enter an infinite loop upon import!