This repo contains usefull postgresql commands.
- download at
- open -> click initialize
- configure the $PATH -> sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
Command | Description |
'psql' | connect to postrgresql server |
'creatdb mydb' | creates db with name |
'dropdb mydb' | deletes db |
'psql mydb' | activate db |
Command | Description |
'CREATE DATABASE name' | create a database |
'\password' | create password for access |
Command | Description |
'\h' | get help |
'\q' | get out of psql |
'CREATE TABLE tablename (...);' | create table |
'DROP TABLE tablename;' | drope table |
'\dt' | show all datatables |
'CREATE USER youruser WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'yourpass'; | creates user with password |
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE yourdbname TO youruser; | grants all privilages to youruser |