A very simple script to automate and distribute thumbmail generator writtern in PHP.
The idea is to have the ability to detach the thumbnail generation process from existing webapplications by providing a very simple Rest API.
The following are some examples that will work:
This will return a 200x100 version of the someimage.jpg file. No scaling will be perforemed on someimage.jpg.
This will return a rescales version of someimage.jpg with a maximum width of 200x
Same as before but the returned image will have 100px of height.
This will return a 200xOriginalHeight version of the someimage.jpg file, no scaling will be applied.
Some features that will be added in the future:
Support of Gearman, further improving your ability to detach and enqueue your thumb generation process.
Caching configuration via url/local files, this will allow you to indicate wether you want to force the thumb regeneration or if you are ok with getting a new version of the image.
Inline image generation to embed the image directly into css/html files reducing the ammount of requests.