MisConception-aware Competence Learning and Assessment Smart System
If you wish, try it at https://mcclass.vps.webdock.cloud/mcclass
Install a current version of R
sudo apt install r-base
Invoke R, and then
install.packages("Rserve", repos="http://rforge.net/", type="source")
- You also need WriteXLS for exporting Excel files:
Later, you just invoke R -e "Rserve::Rserve()"
to start the R server.
sudo apt install unixodbc-dev odbc-postgresql postgresql-contrib
The rest is described in database.txt.
Later, you just invoke sudo service postgresql restart
to start the database.
Install a current version of SWI-Prolog from www.swi-prolog.org.
sudo apt install swi-prolog-odbc
Invoke swipl, and then
To serve incoming connections at 8001 under linux, enter the folder mcclass and call
swipl server.pl --port=8001 --pidfile=http.pid
Use kill $(cat http.pid)
to stop the server. Sometimes this doesn't work, then use killall -9 swipl
Open firefox and go to http://localhost:8001/mcclass
Let's assume you have a working https-configuration. Then add the following two lines to your, e.g., /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default-le-ssl.conf
ProxyPass /mcclass http://localhost:8001/mcclass
ProxyPassReverse /mcclass http://localhost:8001/mcclass
Then enable the reverse proxy with sudo a2enmod proxy
, sudo a2enmod proxy_http
, systemctl restart apache2
This "worked for me", but I am no expert in network stuff.