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Markdown Preview Language Server

License Go Report Card

Built using GLSP and Goldmark, and heavily inspired by mdpls


Markdown Preview Language Server (mpls) is a language server designed to enhance your Markdown editing experience. With live preview in the browser, mpls allows you to see your Markdown content rendered in real-time. Whether you're writing documentation or creating notes, mpls provides a seamless and interactive environment.

Built with terminal editors in mind, such as (Neo)vim and Helix, which do not have built-in Markdown rendering, mpls bridges the gap by providing a live preview feature that works alongside these editors. Additionally, mpls is compatible with any editor that supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP), making it a versatile tool for Markdown editing across various platforms.



  • Live Preview: Instantly see your Markdown changes reflected in the browser.

Built with Goldmark

mpls is built using Goldmark, a Markdown parser written in Go. Goldmark is known for its extensibility and performance, making it an ideal choice for mpls.

Goldmark extensions

mpls utilizes several of Goldmark's extensions to enhance the Markdown rendering experience:

Always enabled

  • Github Flavored Markdown: Goldmark's built in GFM extension ensures Table, Strikethrough, Linkify and TaskList elements are displayed correctly.
  • Image Rendering: The img64 extension allows for seamless integration of images within your Markdown files.
  • Math Rendering: The katex extension enables the rendering of LaTeX-style mathematical expressions using KaTeX. Please note that the KaTeX extension requires cgo and will only be included if mpls is built with CGO_ENABLED=1. This option is not enabled for the prebuilt binaries.
  • Metadata: The meta extension parses metadata in YAML format.
  • Syntax highlighting: The highlighting extension adds syntax-highlighting to the fenced code blocks.


  • Emoji: The emoji extension enables emoji support.
  • Footnotes: The footnote extension enables footnotes.
  • Wikilinks rendering: The wikilink extension enables parsing and rendering of [[wiki]] -style links. (Note: image preview does not work for wikilinks)

If you want a Goldmark extension added to mpls please look here.


mpls supports the display of diagrams and flowcharts by integrating Mermaid.js, a powerful JavaScript library for generating diagrams from text definitions.


mpls supports PlantUML, a powerful tool for creating UML diagrams from plain text descriptions. This integration allows you to easily embed PlantUML code in your markdown files. Diagrams are rendered upon saving and only if the UML code has changed.

Please note that external HTTP calls are made only when UML code is present in the markdown and has changed, as well as when a file is opened. For users concerned about security, you can host a PlantUML server locally and specify the --plantuml-server flag to ensure that no external calls are made.


The easiest way to install mpls is to download one of the prebuilt release binaries. You can find the latest releases on the Releases page.

  1. Download the appropriate tar.gz file for your operating system.

  2. Extract the contents of the tar.gz file. You can do this using the following command in your terminal:

    tar -xzf mpls_<version>_linux_amd64.tar.gz

    (Replace <version> with the actual version of the release.)

  3. Copy the extracted binary to a directory that is in your system's PATH. For example:

    sudo cp mpls /usr/local/bin/
Build From Source

If you prefer to build from source, if you want the KaTeX math extension, or if no prebuilt binaries are available for your architecture, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd mpls
  2. Build the project:

    You can build the project using the following command:

    To include the math extension, you need to set CGO_ENABLED=1 before running this command:

    make build

    This command will compile the source code and create an executable.

  3. Install the executable:

    You have two options to install the executable:

    • Option 1: Copy the executable to your PATH:

      After building, you can manually copy the executable to a directory that is in your system's PATH. For example:

      sudo cp mpls /usr/local/bin/
    • Option 2: Use make install if you are using GOPATH:

      If the GOPATH is in your PATH, you can run:

      make install

      This will install the executable to your $GOPATH/bin directory.

Verify the installation:

After installation, you can verify that mpls is installed correctly by running:

mpls --version

This should display the version of the mpls executable.

Command-Line Options

The following options can be used when starting mpls:

Flag Description
--browser Specify web browser to use for the preview. (1)
--code-style Sets the style for syntax highlighting in fenced code blocks. (2)
--dark-mode Enable dark mode
--enable-emoji Enable emoji support
--enable-footnotes Enable footnotes
--enable-wikilinks Enable rendering of [[wiki]] -style links
--full-sync Sync the entire document for every change being made. (3)
--no-auto Don't open preview automatically
--plantuml-disable-tls Disable encryption on requests to the PlantUML server
--plantuml-server Specify the host for the PlantUML server
--plantuml-path Specify the base path for the PlantUML server
--port Set a fixed port for the preview server
--version Displays the mpls version.
--help Displays help information about the available options.
  1. On Linux specify executable e.g "firefox" or "google-chrome", on MacOS name of Application e.g "Safari" or "Microsoft Edge", on Windows use full path. On WSL, specify the executable as "explorer.exe" to start the default Windows browser.
  2. The goldmark-highlighting extension use Chroma as the syntax highlighter, so all available styles in Chroma are available here. Default style is catppuccin-mocha.
  3. Has a small impact on performance, but makes sure that commands like reflow in Helix, does not impact the accuracy of the preview. Additionally, it disables mpls' efforts to scroll to the closest section header when editing.

Configuration examples


# Configured to run alongside marksman.
auto-format = true
language-servers = ["marksman", "mpls"]
name = "markdown"

command = "mpls"
args = ["--dark-mode", "--enable-emoji"]
# An example args entry showing how to specify flags with values:
# args = ["--port", "8080", "--browser", "google-chrome"]

Neovim (LazyVim)

return {
    opts = {
      servers = {
        mpls = {},
      setup = {
        mpls = function(_, opts)
          local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
          local configs = require("lspconfig.configs")

          if not configs.mpls then
            configs.mpls = {
              default_config = {
                cmd = { "mpls", "--dark-mode", "--enable-emoji" },
                filetypes = { "markdown" },
                single_file_support = true,
                root_dir = function(startpath)
                  return vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find(".git", { path = startpath or vim.fn.getcwd(), upward = true })[1])
                settings = {},
              docs = {
                description = [[

Markdown Preview Language Server (MPLS) is a language server that provides
live preview of markdown files in your browser while you edit them in your favorite editor.

Doom-Emacs with lsp-mode

(after! markdown-mode
  ;; Auto start
  (add-hook 'markdown-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!))

(after! lsp-mode
  (defgroup lsp-mpls nil
    "Settings for the mpls language server client."
    :group 'lsp-mode
    :link '(url-link ""))

  (defun lsp-mpls-open-preview ()
    "Open preview of current buffer"
     (list :command "open-preview")))

  (defcustom lsp-mpls-server-command "mpls"
    "The binary (or full path to binary) which executes the server."
    :type 'string
    :group 'lsp-mpls)

  (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection
                                     (lambda ()
                                        (or (executable-find lsp-mpls-server-command)
                                            (lsp-package-path 'mpls)
                    :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "markdown")
                    :initialized-fn (lambda (workspace)
                                      (with-lsp-workspace workspace
                                                          (lsp-configuration-section "mpls"))
                    ;; Priority and add-on? are not needed,
                    ;; but makes mpls work alongside other lsp servers like marksman
                    :priority 1
                    :add-on? t
                    :server-id 'mpls)))