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Tony Xue edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 12 revisions

Config the external directory link unlink tool

By default, the distribution comes with a tools directory which contains the hard link unlink tool. Put it under `[your]/bin/rdpro/tools/hunlink` for MacOS. For Windows, the default location is `C:/bin/rdpro/tools/linkd.exe`.

If you want a different location different location for the unlink tools, config it through the

[your user home]/ 
file. An example content of the property file:
pathToUnlinkDirExecutable=s:/bin/rdpro/tools/linkd.exe %s /D

Symbolic links and Hard Links

  • On MacOs/Unix/Linux, I use the shipped hlink and hunlink under tools dir to make and remove the hard links.
  • The hunlink can remove the soft links too without touching the files under the target linked directory.
  • Symbolic or soft links can also be made by
    ln -s source target_symbolic_link
    . So the unlink from the OS can also be used to unlink such symbolic links
    • create the ~/[user]/ with this content:
pathToUnlinkDirExecutable=unlink %s
  • On Windows, the linkd tool shipped under tools is used to make the hard link. while soft links can be made using
> MKLINK /D Link Target".

You have to elevate the privileged through. see

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