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100 Days Of ML - Today I Learned...

Day 1 : Jul 10 , 2018

Today's Progress : I have practiced implementing Sentimental Analysis with Keras.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 2 : Jul 11 , 2018

Today's Progress : Read Research Paper "Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional Networks"

Link of Work: Paper

Day 3 : Jul 12 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and implemented Keras Functional API for defining complex models, such as multi-output models, directed acyclic graphs, and models with shared layers.

Link of Work: commit

Day 4 : Jul 13 , 2018

Today's Progress : Experimented with 'Predict Pakistan Elections 2018' Kaggle kernel by Ammar Malik

Link of Work: commit

Day 5 : Jul 14 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced Data Wrangling, Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn, and basic maths and statistics on a CARS dataset.

Link of Work: commit

Day 6 : Jul 15 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced Dimensionality Reduction techniques and Outlier Analysis on IRIS dataset.

Link of Work: commit

Day 7 : Jul 16 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced K-Means Clustering, K-NN, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Naive Bayes Classifier.

Link of Work: commit

Day 8 : Jul 17 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced Web-based Data visualization with Plotly.

Link of Work: commit

Day 9 : Jul 18 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML webpages.

Link of Work: commit

Day 10 : Jul 19 , 2018

Today's Progress : Read articles from the "HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers".

Link of Work: Book

Day 11 : Jul 20 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Become a Data Scientist" course on Lynda.

Link of Work: Course

Day 12 : Jul 21 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals" course on Lynda.

Link of Work: Course

Day 13 : Jul 22 , 2018

Today's Progress : Completed "Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Certificate

Day 14 : Jul 23 , 2018

Today's Progress : Completed "Statistics Foundations 1" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Certificate

Day 15 : Jul 24 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Data Mining" course on LinkedIn Learning and practiced Clustering, Classification and Outlier Detection.

Link of Work: Course

Day 16 : Jul 25 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Data Visualization: Storytelling" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 17 : Jul 26 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Excel 2016: Managing and Analyzing Data" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 18 : Jul 27 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced building a Recommendation System with Python Machine Learning.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 19 : Jul 28 , 2018

Today's Progress : Experimented with Postgres | Installed PgAdmin 4 | exported data to CSVs for visualization.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 20 : Jul 29 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "The Essential Elements of Predictive Analytics and Data Mining" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 21 : Jul 30 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Machine Learning & AI Foundations: Value Estimations" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 22 : Jul 31 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "building-deep-learning-applications" course on LinkedIn Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 23 : August 01 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned and practiced building a Deep Neural Network with Keras.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 24 : August 02 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learned Building and Deploying Deep Learning Applications with TensorFlow.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 25 : August 03 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took "Amazon Web Services Machine Learning Essential Training" course on Linkedin Learning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 26 : August 04 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced with "Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster" kernel on Kaggle.

Link of Work: Commit

Day 27 : August 05 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored "House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques" competition on Kaggle.

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 28 : August 06 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored "Predict Pakistan Elections" competition on Kaggle and applied data wrangling.

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 29 : August 07 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored "Predict Pakistan Elections" competition on Kaggle and applied data wrangling. (Continued)

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 30 : August 08 , 2018

Today's Progress : Exploring "Predict Pakistan Elections 2018" competition on Kaggle and applied data wrangling. (Continued)

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 31 : August 09 , 2018

Today's Progress : Exploring "Predict Pakistan Elections 2018" competition on Kaggle and applied data wrangling. (Continued)

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 32 : August 10 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced Object Detection with TensorFlow Single-Shot Detection (SSD) model.

Link of Work: TensorFlow

Day 33 : August 11 , 2018

Today's Progress : Reading "Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-learn and Tensorflow".

Link of Work: Book

Day 34 : August 12 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced Text Analysis on friend's whatsApp conversation - found most used words, emojis etc.

Link of Work: Link

Day 35 : August 13 , 2018

Today's Progress : Enrolled in "Applied Data Science with Python" Specialization on Coursera.

Link of Work: Link

Day 36 : August 14 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took first course in the specialization "Introduction to Data Science with Python" on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 37 : August 15 , 2018

Today's Progress : Took second course in the specialization i.e "Applied Text Mining in Python" on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 38 : August 16 , 2018

Today's Progress : Continued working on WhatsApp Spy mini-project - Monitored some contacts and generated usage charts.

Link of Work: Link

Day 39 : August 17 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced text mining, regular expressions, and regex in pandas.

Link of Work: Link

Day 40 : August 18 , 2018

Today's Progress : Watched "Making sense of too much data" TED talk Series. (Continued)

Link of Work: TEDtalks

Day 41 : August 19 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced text mining with NLTK, PorterStemmer, CFGs and Sentimental Analysis.

Link of Work: Course

Day 42 : August 20 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced text mining with NLTK, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines and Sentiment-analysis.

Link of Work: Course

Day 43 : August 21 , 2018

Today's Progress : Prepared slides and scikit-learn practice notebooks for my upcoming MachineLearning session.

Day 44 : August 22 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced Plotting, Charting & Data Representation with MatPlotLib and Seaborn in Python.

Link of Work: Course

Day 45 : August 23 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced Plotting, Charting & Data Representation with MatPlotLib and Seaborn in Python. (Continued)

Link of Work: Course

Day 46 : August 24 , 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Machine Learning" course by Sebastian Thrun and Katie Malone on Udacity.

Link of Work: Course

Day 47 : August 25 , 2018

Today's Progress : Studied Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Decision trees - learned parameter tuning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 48 : August 26 , 2018

Today's Progress : Today, I learned and applied K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and AdaBoost to Anron-Email #Dataset. Udacity’s Intro to Machine Learning is a really interactive course - I recommend this course even if you aren't a beginner. It refreshes the machine learning basics. It’s enriched with quick quizzes that require an input from learner every few minutes to make sure he/she has assimilated the whole concept. It helps the learner to audit him/herself and go back if needed. I’ve added the course link below.

Link of Work: Course

Day 49 : August 27 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored Enron Dataset with Udacity's Datasets and Questions Module | Pandas | Numpy

Link of Work: Course

Day 50 : August 28 , 2018

Today's Progress : Applied Outlier Detection and practiced removing outliers from the dataset.

Link of Work: Course

Day 51 : August 29 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced Clustering, Feature Selection, Text Learning and Feature Selection.

Link of Work: Course

Day 52 : August 30 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced PCA, Autoencoders and Evaluation Metrics with Udacity.

Link of Work: Course

Day 53 : August 31 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practiced CNN, RNN - LSTM using TensorFlow with Udacity's Deep Learning.

Link of Work: Course

--------------Started working on Kaggle Deep Learning Competition--------------

Day 54 : September 01 , 2018

Today's Progress : 1) Joined the "Digit Recognizer" competition on Kaggle 2) Learned and applied RNN - LSTM.

Link of Work: Competition

Day 55 : September 02 , 2018

Today's Progress : Achieved 99.142% accuracy on Digit Recognizer and got ranked in TOP 35% of the 2234 competitors.

Link of Work: Competition

Day 56 : September 03 , 2018

Today's Progress : Joined the "House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques" competition on Kaggle.

Link of Work: Competition

Day 57 : September 04 , 2018

Today's Progress : Working on the "House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques" competition on Kaggle. (Continued)

Link of Work: Competition

Day 58 : September 05 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored Image Annotation Tools - LabelImg, VATIC, CVAT.

Link of Work: Tool

Day 59 : September 06 , 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on Recurrent Neural Network - LSTM with Keras | Deep Learning with Keras by François Chollet.

Link of Work: Book

Day 60 : September 07 , 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on pre-trained CovNets including VGG , ResNet, Inception with Keras.

Link of Work: Book

Day 61 : September 08 , 2018

Today's Progress : Trained an object detection model with TensorFlow OD API | RFCN Architecture.

Link of Work: TF Home

Day 62 : September 09 , 2018

Today's Progress : Reading "Natural Language Processing with Python" by Edward Loper, Ewan Klein, and Steven Bird.

Link of Work: Book

Day 63 : September 10 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored Spark & Hadoop, Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD), Spark configuration, monitoring and tuning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 64 : September 11 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practicing with "House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques" on Kaggle.

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 65 : September 12 , 2018

Today's Progress : Practicing with "House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques" on Kaggle. (Continued)

Link of Work: Kaggle

Day 66 : September 13 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored Spark & Hadoop, Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD), Spark configuration, monitoring and tuning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 67 : September 14 , 2018

Today's Progress : Started working on "Movie Review Sentiment Analysis" competition on Kaggle.

Link of Work: Competition

Day 68 : September 15 , 2018

Today's Progress : Explored Spark & Hadoop, Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD), Spark configuration, monitoring and tuning.

Link of Work: Course

Day 69 : September 16 , 2018

Today's Progress : Learning and experimenting with Reinforcement Learning.

Link of Work: Introduction

Day 70 : September 17 , 2018

Today's Progress : Experimenting with Generative Adverserial Network | Neural Style Transfer with Keras.

Link of Work: GAN

Day 71 : September 18 , 2018

Today's Progress : Experimenting with Generative Adverserial Network | Neural Style Transfer with Keras (Continued).

Link of Work: GAN

Day 72 : September 19 , 2018

Today's Progress : Reading "Natural Language Processing with Python" by Edward Loper, Ewan Klein, and Steven Bird.

Link of Work: Book

Day 73 : September 20, 2018

Today's Progress : Reading "Natural Language Processing with Python" by Edward Loper, Ewan Klein, and Steven Bird.

Link of Work: Book

Day 74 : September 21 , 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on Object Detection ResNet with TensorFlow and Keras.

Link of Work: TF Home

Day 75 : September 22, 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on Object Detection ResNet with TensorFlow and Keras. (Continued)

Link of Work: TF Home

Day 76 : September 23, 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on NLTK Text Classification with "Natural Language Processing with Python".

Link of Work: Book

Day 77 : September 24, 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science" course one of IBM Data Science Specialization.

Link of Work: Specialization

Day 78 : September 25, 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science" course one of IBM Data Science Specialization (Continued).

Link of Work: Specialization

Day 79 : September 26, 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science" course one of IBM Data Science Specialization (Continued).

Link of Work: Specialization

Day 80 : September 27, 2018

Today's Progress : Prepared presentation and hands-on coding example for the upcoming ML session.

Day 81 : September 28, 2018

Today's Progress : Studying "Feature Engineering for Machine Learning" by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari.

Link of Work: Book

Day 82 : September 29, 2018

Today's Progress : Studying "Feature Engineering for Machine Learning" by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari.

Link of Work: Book

Day 83 : September 30, 2018

Today's Progress : Studying "Feature Engineering for Machine Learning" by Alice Zheng and Amanda Casari.

Link of Work: Book

Day 84 : October 01, 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on TensorFlow Object Detection and Keras for a pet project.

Day 85 : October 02, 2018

Today's Progress : Worked on TensorFlow Object Detection and Keras for a pet project. (Continued)

Day 86 : October 03, 2018

Today's Progress : Watching 13 videos TED talks playlist "Making sense of too much data".

Link of Work: Playlist

Day 87 : October 04, 2018

Today's Progress : Watching 13 videos TED talks playlist "Making sense of too much data". (Continued)

Link of Work: Playlist

Day 88 : October 05, 2018

Today's Progress : Finished watching 13 videos TED talks playlist "Making sense of too much data".

Link of Work: Playlist

Day 89 : October 06, 2018

Today's Progress : Reading "Deep learning with text and sequences" Deep learning by François Chollet

Link of Work: Book

Day 90 : October 07, 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 91 : October 08, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 2 | "Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 92 : October 09, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 3 | "Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 93 : October 10, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 4 | "Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 94 : October 11, 2018

Today's Progress : Started "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 95 : October 12, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 1 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 96 : October 13, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 2 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 97 : October 14, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 2 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera. (Continued)

Link of Work: Course

Day 98 : October 15, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 3 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 99 : October 16, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 4 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course

Day 100 : October 17, 2018

Today's Progress : Week 4 | "Applied AI with DeepLearning" course on Coursera.

Link of Work: Course


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