How many data your publlsher program will send to the message broker in one run?
let users: Vec<&str> = vec!["Amir", "Budi", "Cica", "Dira", "Emir"];
for (i, user) in users.iter().enumerate() {
let user_id = (i + 1).to_string();
let user_name = format!("2206817490-{}", user);
let message: UserCreatedEventMesage = UserCreatedEventMesage { user_id, user_name };
_ = publisher.send(String::from("user_created"), message)
Based on code above the publisher will send 5 user_created data with messages for user "Amir", "Budi", "Cica", "Dira", "Emir"
The url of: “amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672” is the same as in the subscriber program, what does it mean?
The publisher will send the messages into the same messages broker and the subcriber will receive the data.
Running RabbitMq as message broker
Sending and processing event
There are three events that run concurenntly:
What happen is rabbit mq is running, and subscriber will listen for messages from rabbitmq, when i run publisher it will send messages to the rabbitmq, finally subscriber will receive the messages.
Monitoring chart based on publisher
Spike is representing that rabbitmq or messages broker get the messages and send it to subscriber.