Initialize a virtualenv and install cloaca.
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv.cloaca
source venv.cloaca/bin/activate
(venv.cloaca) git clone
(venv.cloaca) cd cloaca/
Set up a Redis instance, on port 6379.
Optionally minify the CSS file (Requires Java to run YUI compressor)
(venv.cloaca) python minify_css
Optionally minify the Javascript (requires NodeJS)
(venv.cloaca) nodejs r.js -o
This should produce cloaca/site/style.min.css
and cloaca/site/cloaca.min.js
Install the package into the virtualenv
(venv.cloaca) python install
Run the server on localhost:8080 without SSL
(venv.cloaca) --port 8080 --no-ssl
Point your browser to localhost:8080.
This is still in early testing. No promises about proper web security. Also don't run this against a Redis instance you care about. does support Redis's SELECT to pick a database, but there is no support for a key prefix to avoid clobbering other stored keys.