I would say 80% of the UI kit components have been ported to Blazor. Right now I'll be working on the website and documentation.
You can install a preview version of BlazorKit from NuGet using the following command:
Install-Package Blazorkit -Version 0.1.101
Or using dotnet CLI command:
dotnet add package Blazorkit --version 0.1.101
Now that you have installed BlazorKit, use its markup as described in the BlazorKit website, like this example which demonstrate creating an Alert component:
<Alert Color="Color.Primary" IsDismissible="true">
This is a primary alert — check it out!
or Card:
<Card Color="BaseColor.Primary">
<CardTitle>Title Text</CardTitle>
Card body text...
or Button:
<BlazorKit.Button Color="ButtonColor.Danger">Click Me!</BlazorKit.Button>
Note: completing the documentation and the website is still a work on progress